Author Topic: Breaking the 5am waking habit.  (Read 5846 times)

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Re: Breaking the 5am waking habit.
« Reply #30 on: August 01, 2012, 01:57:14 am »
Elvisking-she's only like 5 months or so, correct? It's still very likely that she needs a feed at 4/5 am in the morning. Do you ever feed at this time?

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Re: Breaking the 5am waking habit.
« Reply #31 on: August 01, 2012, 14:38:13 pm »
Sorry I'm late getting back!

Her usual routine before these early wakenings were 7pm- 5:30 am, feed 6oz & then she we t back to sleep until 8 sometimes 9!!!

Last night she did just that- I fed her at 5:45 & she slept until 8:15. That is how she used to be! Hopefully she's back to normal?

Activity time is difficult- she is getting tired after 90 mins. If we walk- which we squally do twice a day- she almost always goes to sleep for 15/20 mins!

So really, she's doing 90 mins in am, 15/20 min catnap. 2 hours in pm, & 12/20 min catnap  on a normal average day

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Re: Breaking the 5am waking habit.
« Reply #32 on: August 01, 2012, 18:09:15 pm »
Have you tried an even earlier bedtime then? It seems like she really likes and needs her sleep, so maybe going three hours in the evening was just getting to be too much for her-even after a good, long pm nap.

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Re: Breaking the 5am waking habit.
« Reply #33 on: August 01, 2012, 19:41:10 pm »
I may try that actually. She definitely needs her sleep & in the time she is awake- she is very active. She is rolling both ways & gets herself back over & she's very vocal!!!!

We did well yesterday & she's gone down well tonight, so fingers crossed for a 5/5:30 am eh?!!

Really really appreciate your help & support. I'm here with really no family! Nearest family that can help are 30 mins away & my family are a day's travel away, so it's nice to know that I can seek support here!! :)

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Re: Breaking the 5am waking habit.
« Reply #34 on: August 02, 2012, 00:59:59 am »
Anytime! :)

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Re: Breaking the 5am waking habit.
« Reply #35 on: August 03, 2012, 16:42:23 pm »
Hi, me again!! Not only was LO up at 2:45am last night due to a dirty nappy- she was starving!! (She then slept until 8am!!) today- she slept for 2 hours this am- but fought for an hour & a half this afternoon to sleep & has woken up after the 45mins :(:( her naps & nights have gone from perfect to nightmare!!!!

What are the suggestions for resettling after the 45mins during naps? Is there a section on the forum?
Sorry to pester you again!!

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Re: Breaking the 5am waking habit.
« Reply #36 on: August 03, 2012, 18:17:52 pm »
What was her mood like when she woke after 45mins?

Why do you say that her naps and nights have become a nightmare? How many days has this been going on?

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Re: Breaking the 5am waking habit.
« Reply #37 on: August 03, 2012, 21:15:20 pm »
She was happy!!! Tonight it took her nearly an hour to go to sleep- definitely o/t. Its basically been a week of up at random times at night & naps are gradually getting shorter?! I am doing shhpat at nap time. Any other techniques.
Today's day
8:00 E
8:15 A
9:45 S
12:00 E
12:20 A
2:00 S catnap 35min
3:00 E/A
4:00 tried to S went to sleep at 5:35
6:20 awake
Started bed routine at 7- went to sleep at 8

What do you think?

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Re: Breaking the 5am waking habit.
« Reply #38 on: August 04, 2012, 16:13:18 pm »
Is she sleeping straight through until 8 am?

For shh/pat are you doing it right to sleep each time?

Offline Elvisking

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Re: Breaking the 5am waking habit.
« Reply #39 on: August 04, 2012, 18:34:18 pm »
No, she's still waking in the night. The last 2 nights at 2:50 on the button & stayed awake for 2 hours after that.

She was in a Moses basket- inside her cot for the last week to get her used to it, we took that away today & she napped well- we're hoping that this happens tonight also. She did wake up after 45 mins during both naps today.

Please can you tell me how long to shh/pat for? Until she is sound asleep? Also should I try wts tonight just before 2:50am? I know she's only 18 weeks & needs one feed in the night- but it's now getting her back t o sleep after the feed!!!

This has all gone haywire since we put her in her own room!!!  Prior to that she slept 7pm-5/6:30 am, fed & went straight to sleep until 8/9am.

I really need techniques for getting her back to sleep after a feed & to get her over the 45 min nap please?!!

How are you?!! :)

Offline Smurfette

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Re: Breaking the 5am waking habit.
« Reply #40 on: August 04, 2012, 22:16:28 pm »
What is her normal wake up time? Is 8am her regular time or does she usually wake earlier than that?

Can you also post today's EASY if it was different from the other day?

How do you decide when to put her down for a nap? Are you following sleepy cues or going by  A times or both?

I wouldn't do WTS personally, but I know others have used it with success, but I think that's been after at least a week of doing that. To me, in a week anything can happen so it's hard to say if it's just a baby changing or if it's actually WTS.

In regards to shh/pat-no I wouldn't do it right to sleep. If you currently are, trying doing it less and less each time over the next few weeks. You want her to become an independent sleeper and you need to wean yourself out of that process slowly. Having said that, she is still young, so you have to be patient.

And at 18 weeks she may need more than one feed at night-just keep that in mind. What time is she currently eating during the night?

In regards to the 45 min nap, 1st of all its really common and normal at this stage, but you can always leave her for a few minutes each time to see if she will go back to sleep. Some babies kinda do a mantra cry for a bit and then go back to sleep. This is different from a full out hard cry-so you need to be attentive, but also not rush into her everytime.