Hi Zacsmum, I inadvertently gave LO more A time like you suggested yesterday, but it was more like a lot more A time! After a short early afternoon nap (maybe 30-40 min long) that ended at 2:45, he just refused to take another nap. I tried a few times between 4 and 5:30 with no luck. So, I started our bedtime routine around 6pm and he was asleep by 6:35pm.
So his A time was basically 4 hours?!! AND, he slept from 6:35pm - 6:30am with one NF at 1am. So, I'm guessing you are right about him needing more A time, and/or making sure his longest naps happen before 3? but the 4 hours of A doesn't seem like what we should aim for on a regular basis, right??