Well she seems to have hit the 2-1 very suddenly. She wont go down for morning naps. She just screams and screams. But she's clearly exhausted all the time because we keep having one nap days even though she's not ready for that yet. It's really hard to work the day around a perfect 2-1 nap transition because my 3 year old is very active all morning, we like to get out and about, and I LOVE having them go down at the same time every afternoon (around 1:00)
Basically she's up around 6:15, I've tried to put her down for a nap at all different times from 9:30 to 10:30 and she generally refuses or else does 10 minutes. If she passes out in the car late in the morning it messes up her afternoon nap. So usually what ends up happening is she's up until 12:30 or 1:00, then goes down (after an over tired fit), often wakes up 20 minutes later for another fit, and she'll usually sleep till 2:30 after that. Which isn't enough. Then up until an early BT around 6:30.
I'm not sure how to get her out of this over tired rut. She's starting to get so cranky and is not her usual self. So much crying at BT. I thought I'd be a seasoned vet by the time her 2-1 came but it has caught me off guard! Any thoughts?