Thanks for the info on dropping the feed. That could work! I've tried limiting the am nap to 45 minutes and it just made our day shorter because the second A time had to be shorter so I either had to give him a catnap or put him to bed at 6 or 6:15 which then gets him waking even earlier. I've been working with a sleep coach to shift bed and wake up time later because while he's an angel baby in most every aspect, he's touchy with naps/sleep. In the past few weeks we've gotten from a 5 am wakeup to 5:45 with the current schedule so lots of progress! I've pushed the am nap as far as I can, up to 3 hrs 40 min A time and shifted the day later with much success, but as I said, he's stuck going to bed no later than 6:55 and if I put him to bed even 3-5 mins later (regardless of A time before bed) he crawls around the crib and cries and then sleeps an even shorter night waking up even earlier. We're leaving it at the 6:55 bt for a few more days and then going to try and push 5 mins again.
If you have any ideas how to break his body clock out of the 6:55 pm bed time habit I would love to hear!!!