Ok but I can't ever seem to get a later BT bc he's skipping his pm nap. I wish for a later WU! Yes technically it's not an EW but it's early for all of us. Unreasonable.
I don't want to bite the bullet and just do 1 nap bc he's clearly not ready and he's very OT frm several days of this now. A few days ago he actually took a 1hr 2nd nap but was still a wreck by 5:00pm.
My experience frm 30 min morning naps is a 1hr pm nap and it doesn't seem to be enough. Still having to do EBT. I dust can't do 5am anymore and pushing hs BT with short naps or skipped naps doesn't sound like it would wrk him bc he's very sensitive to OT.
If I cap his morning nap... What time would I pd for his nxt nap? He's usually asleep by 9:00am... So if I cap at 9:30 so to say, his nxt nap would still be early around 1:00 and still making it for an EBT.
Hes so OT that 3.5 AT is pushing him to as reaming disaster.....he knocks out during wind dwn at BT, he's so tired and he's cranky