Author Topic: 10 month old NW every 3.5hrs or less  (Read 856 times)

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Offline mycatmonet

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10 month old NW every 3.5hrs or less
« on: September 05, 2012, 05:08:39 am »

My DD is 10 months old this week. Found BW when she was about 6 months, and tried our best to get an EASY and improve naps and sleep.

I've been on the props, EASY and PU/PD boards in the last few weeks, and it has helped with our issues. We had a NF prop and recently we worked on that and used PUPD to get rid of the prop and then NF reduced considerably (instead of 5 feeds at night we brought it down to one NF after midnight, then early morning NF if she woke at 4am ish and we want more sleep!).

Just in this last week have we had good progress. Our EASY is more consistent, and A times are shorter and she is having better naps. She's having 2 naps a day now, and she was often skipping the pm nap before we worked hard on her EASY last week. She can now self settle, and and normally goes to sleep by herself. The NW were reduced. 2 nights last week DD only woke up once!

However, the NW seem to be back. The nights since then she woke 2, 5, 3, 3, and 3 times. So now she's back to NW every 3 and a bit hours (or sooner).

She has 2 bottom teeth (at 7 months) and her top 2 are so close to coming through. I gave meds before bed last night, but DD still woke up. It's a bit chilly here at the end of Winter, but I don't THINK she's cold, she has on enough clothing and blanket sleeper/grobag (or combo) and it's only between 18 and 22 (degrees celcius) in her room and she's in tog 2.5 bedding, with layers and layered clothes (I make sure she is never too warm).

I don't know what else it could be or what to do, she self settles now, has 2-3.5hrs worth of naps in the day, and A times are 3-3.5hrs (unless she won't go down for a nap quickly and A is unfortunately pushed to 4hrs or more...). Is there anything else I can try or is it something we might just have to live with for a bit and wait-and-see?

Offline Erin M

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Re: 10 month old NW every 3.5hrs or less
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2012, 18:18:00 pm »
Is she waking early in the night or later in the night or all scattered throughout the night? 

Also, I sometimes find that when you fix daytime sleep, nighttime sleep suffers a little bit while they get adjusted.  I've found that generally when mine start taking better naps, they will wake a bit more at night while they get used to more sleep. 

Offline mycatmonet

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Re: 10 month old NW every 3.5hrs or less
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2012, 22:39:35 pm »
thanks erin. That makes sense. I think we're doing everything 'right' to allow good night sleep, the rest might then be time and patience! She is getting more sleep in total now, that's for sure.

On a good night DD wakes about 3.5hr after going to bed, then between 2.5-3.5hr after that. It's spread quite evenly.

Offline Erin M

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Re: 10 month old NW every 3.5hrs or less
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2012, 01:00:17 am »
It sounds like an issue transitioning through sleep cycles maybe, not every one, but every fourth one or so -- I would guess that she's probably just adjusting to her new routine, but I couldn't be sure.  Maybe give it a few days and see if things start to come together a little bit more.