Hi All,
I've posted to various boards about my spirited 4.5 month old DS who is having issues with napping. More recently I've realized a lot of our problems are probably more about nursing so I thought I'd pop over here to see what you ladies think.
Background: DS has always been a "sleepy" nurser. He was jaundiced as a newborn and he's just always loved comfort nursing. This was okay until about a month ago, when he started not being able to sleep at all without nursing. He's never fallen asleep on his own, we've always rocked him or nursed him to sleep. At the same time, he was having issues gaining weight, so I didn't want to not nurse him when he seemed to want to nurse, even though I knew a lot of it was comfort nursing. I've never really been able to read his different cues. So we really got into the habit of nursing to sleep.
Because he was having weight issues, we started him on a formula supplement. He gets about 8 oz of formula per day. We also started him on a bit of rice cereal. Since we started those two things, he's been gassier and he's been going longer between poops. He also shows a lot of signs of reflux so we've had him on Zantac for two weeks which seems to be helping, although it doesn't improve the gassiness. The supplements are improving his weight though, thankfully.
Up until two days ago, DS was a very good night sleeper, only getting up once to feed at 4am-ish (we don't do a DF). However, on Friday he went to the doctor and got a couple of vaccinations, and that night was awful. He was up 4 times, very hard to settle. Last night was better, but he was still up probably 3 times. Whenever he gets up, I nurse him back to sleep. Sometimes he'll just nurse a little and fall asleep but sometimes he'll take a full feed. I'm really not sure when to feed him in the night, and he doesn't like pacifiers so it's not like I can offer one and see if he'll go back to sleep. I'm afraid that by feeding him so much at night, he's eating less in the day which will cause him to get up even more at night.
I haven't been able to get him on a good EASY because nursing to sleep throws off the E times. Even when I get him to sleep, he doesn't settle well and often wakes up after only a few minutes. I think he is OT. I don't know what the best way to get him to sleep without nursing is. And I don't know if we can start to get on an EASY while he's still dependent on nursing to sleep.
So I guess my questions boil down to when should I feed him when he gets up at night? What's the best way to teach him to sleep without nursing? Should we try to get onto some kind of EASY even if he still has to nurse to sleep? Or would it be better to try to space out feedings so he's hungrier and will hopefully eat more when I offer? Could his gassiness be impairing his sleeping?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!