Author Topic: bottle and Breast feeding  (Read 1057 times)

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Offline michelleerin

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bottle and Breast feeding
« on: September 20, 2012, 19:11:22 pm »

My little boy is 6 weeks, and i am giving him now 4 bottles a day,and then breast feeding him, as trying to wean off slowly.He has been on easy since 2 weeks, his easy is
7am feed
8.30 s
10am bottle 3/4 oz takes an hour
11.30 s
1pm bottle 3/4 oz takes an hour
2.30 nap genrally untill 4pm
4pm Bottle
5ish really hard to get him to nap leads to over tired, keep shush pat untill 6
6 feed maybe untill 7 pm
6.30/7 maybe nap
7pm ready for bed, but so tired screaming as may have been up for 3 hours/
8pm bottle wake if aseep,
10.30 df, may take 2 oz expressed milk, windy may wake crying, may be over tired.
12.30-2am can wake anytime for a feed
4am-5am wake for a feed mormally take an hour to settle
6am/7am wake and feed

Im unsure as he still up a lot at night may be every two hours, wondering she he be seeping longer at 6 weeks?
Also has reflux so is on gaviscon in some bottles, but think it making him constipated or maybe the formula? Wondering if it should take that long to feed 3/4 oz he takes 2 and then cries and cries as has wind and then will genrally take some more. This is my second and she was an angel, but finding him quite hard, to settle for naps also, as may wake after 20 mins, and will need shush pat. Any thoughts on the nw, or should i be giving formula during the night and breast feed in the day?

Thanks any advice appreicated.

Offline Lolly

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Re: bottle and Breast feeding
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2012, 19:30:12 pm »
An hour is too long for a bottle feed, it should be done with in about 20 mins really. What flow teats are you using? It's usually suggested to use the slowest flow so they don't get bottle preference over the breat, but if you are weaning off breast feeding altogether that shouldn't be an issue. If you are using gaviscon then you should be using a faster teat as it thickens the feed.

All that said, if he has reflux and is only on gaviscon then he probably needs medication - a lot of what you describe sounds a lot like uncontrolled reflux. Gaviscon is pretty much only a thickener, it doesn't do anything to reduce or neutralise the acid so he could wel need some thing that does reduce acid production.

What do you think?


Offline michelleerin

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Re: bottle and Breast feeding
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2012, 12:36:15 pm »
thanks for reply,i was at the doctor two weeks ago and he seemed uncooncerned said he is thriving, but he was screaming dyring most feeds breast or bottle. only said to give him gaviscon, im not giving at every feed as thought it making him constipated.When he starts the bottle will drink 2 oz and then stop cry and need wind up this can take a half an hour, and wont feed unless its up, then may take remainder 2 oz.he is on the number two teeth avent.

last night dream feed half an oz, then up at 12.30 had 2 oz, up at 3.30 breast feed, up at 5.30 breast, 7am feed. should he be sleeping thru 5/6 hours now, or maybe he not drinking enough in day.

thanks michelle

Offline Lolly

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Re: bottle and Breast feeding
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2012, 12:50:15 pm »
Some babies will be sleeping 5-6 hours by now, a lot won't be.

I would go back to the Dr and insist on something more. If they gain weight well it doesn't mean they aren't in pain - my two were just that, thriving babies who were in pain feeding. You can always video him feeding and show the Dr a bad feed. If the Dr won 't help as to be referred to a paediatrician, babies shouldn't be in pain feeding, that's not right or fair.
