Author Topic: How many bottles daily for 9/10 week old?  (Read 1355 times)

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Offline MichelleAM

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How many bottles daily for 9/10 week old?
« on: October 08, 2012, 01:57:49 am »
My daughter is 9 weeks old, going on 10, and she takes 7 bottles daily of formula. She drinks 3-4 oz. every 3 hours and is doing well. My concern is that I feel like I should decrease the number of bottles and increase the fluid intake, but I'm not sure the best way to do that. I'm also wondering when her overnight feed will be unnecessary?

Here's her current schedule of feedings: 7am, 10am, 1pm, 4pm, 7pm, 10:30pm, 2:30am

The schedule is fine with me, but I've heard that she should have fewer bottles now.

Any suggestions?

Thanks very much, Michelle

Offline Jendodds

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Re: How many bottles daily for 9/10 week old?
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2012, 10:56:57 am »
Hi Michelle. My little one is 10weeks and was on same time schedule as yours but started extending times between feeds, maybe by 15 mins? This made her take slightly more as I was sure she was hungry, she is now on 6oz
7am, 1015, 130, 445, I start her bed time routine & bottle about 7/730' waken at 11 and were on 4 nights in a row she's slept until 7am. 

For a while she using bottle as comforter, shed take maybe only 1/2oz, if that at about 4am/5am so I offered her water, this settled her. (Although there were some nights it didn't and she was clearly hungry and was given milk and took 4oz)

I am a ftm so this is very much trial and error with me but this is what's working for me.

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Re: How many bottles daily for 9/10 week old?
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2012, 11:45:01 am »
Michelle - for a baby your LO's age that routine is just right! A 3 hour feeding routine is very age appropriate! Is she drsining her bottles? If she is you need to add another oz in and switching to the next sixe teat (if you haven't already) often helps them to take more.

There is a big growth spurt at about 12 week so you may find she starts to take more then.


Offline MichelleAM

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Re: How many bottles daily for 9/10 week old?
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2012, 22:21:37 pm »
Thank you both for your responses. I feel like my daughter was finishing her bottle at home, but then she started daycare and they seem to give her a break halfway through. She drinks about 3 oz. now and then sometimes drinks less in the middle of the night. I wondered about the idea of just giving her the pacifier at night when she cries at 2:30/3:00AM, rather than immediately trying to feed her.

I'm going to her doctor next week for the two month check so I'll find out about her weight and all. I'll stick with what I'm doing for now, but see if we can extend the feedings by 15 minutes as was suggested!

Thanks again! -Michelle