Well, I have been doing EASY with my 8 week old for about a week. The problem is that he has started taking really short naps, i.e 30-40 min, since we started. I have spend an additional 45 min trying to resettle him. Sometimes sucessful, sometimes not. When these short naps occur and I can't get him back to sleep it has only been about 2 hrs since the last feeding. I have tried feeding him when he wakes up from these short naps but he is just not hungry and snacks. I do not want a snacker! He is only good to stay awake for 45 to 1 hr. If I feed him at the 3 hr mark he doesn't eat well because he is tired and often doesn't get a full feeding then either. So again snacking. When I am not able to get him to go back to sleep and he wont eat, I let him stay up a little while till he is tired agian and I am able to get him to go back to sleep but then I break the EASY cycle. So the question is when do I feed him after these short naps