Author Topic: 2 to 1 Transition with 14mth old  (Read 1090 times)

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2 to 1 Transition with 14mth old
« on: October 11, 2012, 19:32:34 pm »
I’m having trouble getting my DS2 down to 1 nap. For the past little while getting him to take a 2nd nap has been a struggle and now there are not enough hours in the day to get 2 good naps in. Here’s what he has been doing

Nap 1- 11:30-12:15or12:30
Nap 2- 4:30(or 4hrs from when his first nap ended)-5:30or 5:45. I don’t let him sleep past 5:45 because it pushes BT to late.
Bathtime- 7:30
Asleep by 8:30ish.

It’s been a struggle to get him to sleep at night because with the late night he’s not tired enough. And he has been having NWs again, will put himself back to sleep most of the time.  Also lately he’s been having a EW at 6 or 6:30 & then he goes back to sleep for 1 hour.
For the past 2 days I’ve tried to push his nap out to get him to take 1 long nap, this is what we’ve done.

WU-7:45am (woke up @ 6:45am DH put him in bed with us, which is a bad habit)
Nap 1- 12pm-1:30
Nap 2- 4:45-5:30 (DH had to stay in room for him to go to sleep & we woke him up @ 5:30).
Bathtime – 7:30
Asleep 8:30 (DH had to go & stay in room to settle him)

WU-7:50 (Up at 6:40, I made him go back to sleep in his bed & he did until the 7:50am)
Nap1 – 12:30-1:15-1:30-2pm. I had to be in the room to get him back to sleep, had to pick him up to settle him.
The plan for rest of day is
Bathtime 7pm
Asleep 7:30ish

Hoping for some advice to see if I’m on the right track with what I’m doing! DS1 was so easy he just stopped his morning nap & started napping longer in the afternoon, DS2 likes to keep things interesting by being a challenge!

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Re: 2 to 1 Transition with 14mth old
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2012, 21:41:08 pm »
Hi Hun,

It's clear you know your LO and what you're doing  ;) My advice to you would be to go with an early bedtime option. Push him to 5 hours A time if you can, or as long as he can go without getting OT but not more than 5 hours to start with. Then go with 5 hours after his nap to BT. If he keeps napping around 1 hour 15/30 then he should make it through. Hopefully you will find that he will tack on and sleep a good long night, then OT will lessen and the routine will fall into place.  This is what I did with DS at 1 year old and he was only napping an hour an hour/15 at first extending to 2 hours within a couple of weeks.

How does that sound  ???


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Re: 2 to 1 Transition with 14mth old
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2012, 00:46:08 am »
Yesterday BT went well considering he had an interrupted nap, he was asleep by 7:30pm & slept until 8:10am with only one squawk at 6:10am.
WU- 8:10
Nap 12:45-2pm
Bathtime 7pm
Currently it is 7:40pm & he is still mucking around, so hoping he doesn't get himself to OT tonight!

Thanks for the advice, hopefully he makes this transition when he gets to OT then we're in big trouble!! DH & I are going on holiday for week in a week and Grandma is babysitting so I'm really hoping he's in a good place by then!! Thanks again :)

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Re: 2 to 1 Transition with 14mth old
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2012, 09:20:49 am »
Hi Hun, with a nap of only an hour and a quarter I would have gone with a 7pm BT latest, my guess is that he probably was OT by BT, would you agree  ??? what time did he settle in the end  ???

Good Luck, hang in there, hope he's in a beautiful one nap routine by the time you go on holiday! You lucky duck  ;)


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Re: 2 to 1 Transition with 14mth old
« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2012, 08:05:52 am »
what time did he settle in the end 
He finally settled around 8pm, with a NW @ 8:30 & 11ish. So yes OT was the problem.

And now the poop has really hit the fan, it is now 2:40am and DS2 has been up every hour since 9pm.

Here's what happened to today I had to go our for errands and left DH in charge, I should have known better!

WU- 7:40 (with fuss at 5:30 & 6:30)
Nap 1pm-DH not really sure how much sleep he got 1/2hr for sure maybe another 15mins after that. helpful eh!  :(
Bathtime - 6:30pm
Sleep @ 7:30pm

DH had him in bed for nap @ 12:30, if we have A right then he only needs 10mins to settle and go to sleep, so obviously he's not quite ready for the 5hrs yet. Shouldn't have pushed him when he was OT from the night before and he also woke up with a cold, stuffy nose and cough, hindsight is 20/20!
We did try for a 2nd nap, DH had him in bed @ 4pm & he wouldn't settle, I tried to resettle but gave up at 4:50pm. Came out of room to find DH sitting on the computer and had nothing out or organized for supper so starting BT before 6:30 wasn't possible. Again helpful!

So now we are in a massive OT stage and his cold is not helping, when it rains it pours.

I guess when WU comes I'll try for nap around the 4hrs 40 mark and then early BT to try and get him to catch up.

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Re: 2 to 1 Transition with 14mth old
« Reply #5 on: October 14, 2012, 08:16:40 am »
Hello Hun, aah sorry it was such a rough day, you're right, you can see everything so clearly afterwards. I agree that shortening the first A time is a good idea, you do need to be flexible during these transitions because every day is different so adjusting both A times according to how much sleep they have/haven't had it necessary.

Hope today is better, good luck and hang on there  ;)


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Re: 2 to 1 Transition with 14mth old
« Reply #6 on: October 16, 2012, 00:47:12 am »
Well we are really in OT disaster mode now. After our terrible saturday night we haven't been able to recover.

Here's what happened yesterday

WU- 6:30- he finally stopped waking every hour at 2am, then slept till his WU.
Nap1- 11am-11:30, 11:40-12:10
Nap2- 4:20-5:50pm
Bathtime 6:30
Asleep- 7:30- NW-8pm, every 1/2 from 10-almost 12am. The cold is a big problem causing OT to be even worse.

Nap1-12:15-12:40- He got himself so wound up I had to redo winddown to resettle him.
Nap2- 4pm-4:55pm
Bathtime 7pm
Currently 7:40 and still mucking around.

I had pulled his first A back to have him alseep at the 4 1/2hr mark, thinking it would help him catch up but it seemed to make it even worse. So now I'm really at a loss, 4 1/2hr A doesnt' work, 4hrs40min doesn't work and neither does 5hrs A! Now I don't know with what A time to go with so he'll have a decent nap again. And this cold is a huge problem, stuffy nose and mild fever is not helping at all!

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Re: 2 to 1 Transition with 14mth old
« Reply #7 on: October 16, 2012, 07:31:31 am »
And still going downhill :(

Settled @ 8pm, slept solid until 11:30, and back up again at 12am and FINALLY just fell asleep at 2:20am. And I have little hope that he will sleep though till decent WU time.

Offline Truly Blessed

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Re: 2 to 1 Transition with 14mth old
« Reply #8 on: October 16, 2012, 12:19:26 pm »
So sorry he's not well Hun. To be honest Hun IMO you need to go with the flow and worry about it when he's better. When LO's are ill, as you know, they're extra tired and need extra sleep, but wake up more and it can be such a sorry mess. So I would put him down for a nap as soon as he's ready and leave it uncapped, then give him a 2nd nap if necessary or EBT. Then when he's back on track and starts to sleep himself better you can try for the 1 nap routine again Hun.

Good Luck and a (BIG HUG)


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Re: 2 to 1 Transition with 14mth old
« Reply #9 on: October 16, 2012, 13:40:34 pm »
Ya, I'm not worrying at all about getting him down to 1 nap I'll worry about that later! Pretty sure last night was also teeth, poor kid, cold & teeth!

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Re: 2 to 1 Transition with 14mth old
« Reply #10 on: October 16, 2012, 13:43:18 pm »
poor kid, cold & teeth!

Exacty! I'd sure as hell be grumpy  >:(
