what time did he settle in the end
He finally settled around 8pm, with a NW @ 8:30 & 11ish. So yes OT was the problem.
And now the poop has really hit the fan, it is now 2:40am and DS2 has been up every hour since 9pm.
Here's what happened to today I had to go our for errands and left DH in charge, I should have known better!
WU- 7:40 (with fuss at 5:30 & 6:30)
Nap 1pm-DH not really sure how much sleep he got 1/2hr for sure maybe another 15mins after that. helpful eh!

Bathtime - 6:30pm
Sleep @ 7:30pm
DH had him in bed for nap @ 12:30, if we have A right then he only needs 10mins to settle and go to sleep, so obviously he's not quite ready for the 5hrs yet. Shouldn't have pushed him when he was OT from the night before and he also woke up with a cold, stuffy nose and cough, hindsight is 20/20!
We did try for a 2nd nap, DH had him in bed @ 4pm & he wouldn't settle, I tried to resettle but gave up at 4:50pm. Came out of room to find DH sitting on the computer and had nothing out or organized for supper so starting BT before 6:30 wasn't possible. Again helpful!
So now we are in a massive OT stage and his cold is not helping, when it rains it pours.
I guess when WU comes I'll try for nap around the 4hrs 40 mark and then early BT to try and get him to catch up.