depends on how you define "indepenent". Up until about two months ago, she would nurse to sleep. Now I usually play with her in her crib, some times tapping her, until she falls asleep on her own. But I have to stay with her, otherwise she stands up in her crib and cries until I come. Before getting sick, she would usually wake up around 2 and 5:30 a.m. to nurse. I understand that at this age, she can go through the night without eating but I wasn´t sure how to wean her at night. Any suggestions? PU/PD?
As for being sick, she still has a little cough and woke many times again last night. I´ll take your suggestion and wait a few more days. In the meanwhile, should I let her nurse each time she wakes? It seems she´s looking for comfort but I´m afraid of creating a prop...