Thank you for your reply Ali! It was very helpful and I've already put it into play during his two naps today.
I sat on my stool for about 15 mins until he started to cry. I laid him back down and tried twice to return to my stool but each time he pulled himself up immediately and started to cry. So I then laid him down, said my sleepy time phrase and left my hand rested on him (so he knew I was there). He pulled himself up a couple of times but the third time he stayed down. I think leaving my hand on him helped. I might have to do this until he realises I'm not leaving. Does this sound like a good idea or should I be trying to use my voice more?
Unfortunately for the next nap we got interrupted so it all went pair shaped
and I had to rock him to sleep. He was too OT.
I definitely need to tweak his routine. He's been fighting his naps a lot lately and waking up around 5am most days. We've just started daylight saving here so I had to get blackout curtains to help him get back to sleep until 6-7am which I'm successful with (after a feed) most mornings. Most days he can stay awake for 3 hours and now I'm limiting his naps to 1.5hrs. I just read that 3hrs of naps per day is a bit long for his age so I'm planning on limiting his total nap time to more like 2.5hrs. Does that sound right? Is it best to have a longer sleep in the morning, say 1.5hr and then a 1hr in the afternoon (if possible)? I'm guessing if I do that I might have to bring his bedtime in a bit earlier.
I try to get out of the room before he pulls himself up, but because he knows it's coming up he's usually up and looking over the rail before I get the chance to close the door! Sounds like the gradual process should help reprogram that behaviour
I think I'll keep the dummy for the moment. Like you said, it's helping him settle. It sounds like you may have experience with dummy removal. Is there an age that is a good time to get rid of it?
Thanks again for your help. It's such a relief to know that I'm working towards helping him achieve independent sleep. I might have to bring up BW on my phone to help pass the time
Much appreciated!