Author Topic: 7 week old feeding issues  (Read 1659 times)

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Offline confusedmummy

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7 week old feeding issues
« on: November 07, 2012, 20:45:48 pm »
Hi there,

My DD is just over 7 weeks, and we are currently struggling to get her to eat 4oz in one sitting. She eats roughly every 3 hrs but it can sometimes take her the entire A time to eat. Sometimes she will be hungry again before 3hrs. At night she will sort of cluster feed from around 4pm to 6.30pm, but doesn't really end up taking much more as she does not finish a bottle. Also through the night she will have a gap of 4/5hrs and may, but not always, take a full four ounces, but will then wake every 2 hrs and from 4/5 she will wake almost every hour but will sometimes take only 1oz each feed. Not sure if this is habitual waking and she is not really hungry or something else.

Does any one have any idea how I can get her to take more esp at night or is this normal? Its been 3years since DS was a baby so cannot remember when he slept through, but I know he took more during the day in one sitting.

TiA x

Offline confusedmummy

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Re: 7 week old feeding issues
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2012, 21:06:08 pm »
Whoops, this was supposed to be posted on the bottle feeding board, can someone move it please.

Sorry- thank you x

Offline *Kara*

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Re: 7 week old feeding issues
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2012, 04:12:05 am »
Hi :)

I am wondering if this is reflux starting - have a look here and will get some BTDT eyes for you :)

Reflux 101 - General reflux information

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Re: 7 week old feeding issues
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2012, 13:27:06 pm »
Thanks Kara. I'm really not sure, she was in three different meds for reflux, as she had most symptoms of silent reflux, but they didn't seem to help, and she cried a lot. Another doc told me to stop all meds as I had just changed formula and needed to see if it made a difference. Since stopping, the crying does seem to have got better and she doesn't seem in pain whilst eating, or after.

She does have oral thrush, which she is having meds for and I thought maybe her mouth was painful, but she seems to want to suck her dummy, or fist so I'm not sure that's got anything to do with it. The problem is it doesn't seem to be clearing up, she's had it several weeks now and I've tried 2 different meds.

She still shows some of those reflux symptoms, wet burps, hiccups, smelly breath, cough, runny nose but I just don't know. Today she has hardly eaten anything so far, but is sucking dummy.

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Re: 7 week old feeding issues
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2012, 18:01:04 pm »
Hey there,

What formula is she on?

What reflux meds have you tried?

What meds have you tried for the thrush? Any issues with yeast diaper rash on her butt?

Can you write down how much she ends up drinking for a typical day (time and oz)?

Sorry for all the questions! :)

If she's still showing some reflux symptoms, then my guess is that she's suffering from reflux :(. Hopefully she can get more comfortable soon.

Offline confusedmummy

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Re: 7 week old feeding issues
« Reply #5 on: November 09, 2012, 19:25:01 pm »
She is on aptamil, was on SMA.

She's had gaviscon- made her constipated and no difference to other symptoms. Rinitidine and domperidone. She was on all three together and it made no difference.

We have tried daktarin and whatever the foul yellow smelling liquid is called, she has a but of a rash on bum but am using 1% canesten on it.

Today she has Had at 8am just under 3oz then at 11.30 she had just under another 3oz. At 3pm she had just over 3oz all these feeds I have pretty much had to force her to take and it spread over at least an hour if not more. She has just had 3oz but again spread over 2hrs. During the night she can wake several times but usually only takes 1-2 oz usually 3/4 feeds.

Tonight she has cried so much so I am sitting here with her almost upright on my legs rocking her. She has just almost choked on either spit or maybe acid that's come up.

Offline ENMS

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Re: 7 week old feeding issues
« Reply #6 on: November 09, 2012, 19:36:13 pm »
She really does sound like she has reflux hon.  Keeping her upright, choking, these are all signs.

Ranitidine worked great for my DD - but did not work for my DS, he needed stronger meds Nexium (a PPI).

Domperidone should help with the choking but it does not work with all LO's. 

How are her poos?

What does the doc say about the thrush not clearing up? I've heard that probiotics can help with yeast issues, but I know that some LO's don't tolerate them that well (but they have solved lots of problems for other LO's so it's an individual thing).

The other thought I have would be milk protein intolerance (MPI), would you consider trying a hypoallergenic formula?

Hugs. Do you have help, your DH or someone from your family that can care for her a bit at night so that you can catch some rest?

Offline *Kara*

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Re: 7 week old feeding issues
« Reply #7 on: November 10, 2012, 00:22:36 am »
This thread has been locked to keep advice in one place for momma :)

Continue your suggestions/support here:  crying

Thanks :)