It's with sheer desperation I'm turning to you all as I've just about exhausted everything I can think of when it comes to my 21 month old son and sleep!
To give you a bit of background....he's never been a great sleeper thanks to a nasty bout of silent reflux that took 6 months to get under control. A bit of a shock I tell you as my eldest son slept through from 6 weeks and has always been a good sleeper. Slowly we've gotten better with time and he's gone from waking up maybe 11 times a night to just once or twice and this isn't every night. I'm a stickler for routine and have always followed the EASY routine with both of my kids from them being 2-3 weeks old....and I'm religious about following things too....
I've got two problems I just can't seem to crack and unfortunately they both go hand in hand with each other....early wakings (anywhere from 4am) and overtiredness leading to even earlier mornings and night wakings with him screaming. As I said I've got a fantastic routine when he's at home with me which in an ideal world looks like this...
6-6.30am wake
7am milk
10.15am snack
12pm lunch
12.30-12.45 sleep (up to 2 hours)
3pm snack
5pm dinner
6.30 begin bedtime routine of bath, story, milk, bed
Now as I said this is an ideal world...at the moment I'm trying to stick to it but we're in an overtired vicious circle as he's actually waking up anywhere from 4am.....I can't physically put him to bed any earlier so that isn't an option and he's not napping well in the afternoon as he's also overtired for that...come bedtime he's out for the count but he's waking in the night screaming and can take me up to 2 hours to get him back to sleep again!
One of the issues is he's at nursery 3 days per week and doesn't sleep well there on their little beds...so it kind sends us into a downward spiral for the weekend and I just haven't been able to get out of it since the clocks went back....I can't help this I need him to be in nursery as I work....I'm going to have a chat with them this week about it all.
I've had a quick scout around the forum and saw a post about putting the EW's down for a CN to try and take the edge off the tiredness....I've done this this morning after a bit of a battle he went down so going to see how the day and night pans out...
Can anyone else offer some advice....when I ask friends they just keep saying oh maybe he doesn't need his sleep anymore....but then they're not walking in my shoes and seeing how bad he is when he has no sleep at all in the day....