My 17 mo old was having 4-5 9oz bottles a day and eating very little solids. After a check with a speech therapist to rule out any physical problems, she's suggested that we drastically reduce his formula. He's now having 5 oz at 7ish, another 5 oz after lunch/before nap, and then a 9 oz bottle at bedtime. We've been doing this for nearly 2 weeks and his eating has improved. But between 4-6 he becomes a total nightmare. Screaming for a bottle and won't accept water or regular milk in a bottle. He will eat some Cheerios or crackers, but it doesn't seem to statist him and he shouts for a bottle again after a bit. He gets very clingy and will tantrum if I put him down. It's totally doing my head in. DH works away from home so most of the time I'm on my own with him.
Since we've cut back on formula he is more tantrum prone and he pulls my hair when he gets upset. I keep thinking it will get better.
Has anyone btdt? Any advice?