Congratulations on your new DD! Are you familiar with the BW books?
Was she born at term? Any colic/reflux/gas discomfort?
Your A times are a bit on the low side - an average would be around 1h15 at this age:
Average A times and "Is my baby ready to increase A time?". In order to take a good nap, LO needs to be tired but not too tired - both OT and UT can lead to short naps, and a day of short naps inevitably causes OT.
Where do you want her to be sleeping most of her naps ultimately? If your aim is to get her to take naps in her crib, then now is probably a good time to start using shh pat to help her settle there. You can work on one nap a day there to start with, taking other naps as necessary to prevent OT, and then gradually work on getting all naps into the crib.
It is still early days and it takes a while for routines to become established - and then they change anyway!! So don't be too hard on yourself or expect too much of your LO
. I understand that it would be preferable for her to nap when your DS does, but that probably won't always be possible as her sleep needs and routine changes. I don't have specific advice for you there - still only the one LO here! - other than to say to take time for You whenever you get the opportunity.
Feel free to post back with any more questions, hope that helps.