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Offline jessmum46

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Weaning to sippy?
« on: November 08, 2012, 10:45:18 am »
I'm very slowly starting the process of weaning my DD, and have decided to try and go straight to sippy rather than via bottles as she takes water pretty well from the sippy.  Not really sure how to go about it and first attempt yesterday was a bit of a disaster, though I don't think I picked a great time as she was tired.  My plan today is to try it again when she's less tired and offer just a couple of oz of EBM in the sippy, then a top-up BF afterwards, then (in an ideal world) over time increase the amount in the sippy.  Then once she's happy with one feed, try the same with another.  Does that sound like a reasonable plan?  If she's not interested should I go straight to offering BF, or give it a break so she doesn't associate refusing the sippy with getting a BF? 

Really feeling very mixed emotions about this - have really loved BF.  But will be going back to work in a couple of months and work shifts so keeping a regular morning and evening feed isn't an option and I wanted to give us plenty of time to make this as gentle as possible on DD.  Never thought I'd be so sad about it though  :'(   

Offline amayzie

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Re: Weaning to sippy?
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2012, 11:04:33 am »
Hugs on the weaning! You'll probably find though that by the time you get to the 12 month mark that she won't need so many feeds- so it won't seem AS hard.. Could you sometimes do a morning and sometimes do an evening and see how you go perhaps? I've just found that after 12 months i've been able to be much more flexible about not offerring every feed (if we have to go to work or something) and it's still worked out fine. If however you'd really just leave it then go with that- it just does seem as you say that you have mixed emotions!

As far as the sippy- i found that my DS really didn't take much of anything from the sippy till we cut to 2 feeds in the day- he just wasn't thirsty. So don't panic if she doesn't take heaps.

Remember that after 12 months you don't need her to be drinking HEAPS of milk as such- it's about calcuim, so if she doesn't go crazy for it then it's ok.

Great idea going to a sippy i reckon- i wouldn't have moved to a bottle at that point either. You are heading back to work at 12 months? are you full time?
Katy, Mummy to Hamish!

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Re: Weaning to sippy?
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2012, 11:14:54 am »
Thanks Katy for the hugs and the reassurance :)  BF just seems such a big part of our day, especially at BT so it's hard to imagine how it will be in a couple of months iykwim?  Going back to work part-time so I guess that continuing to BF sometimes would be an option - will have a think about it - and try to convince DH - he's more of the 'get it over with' persuasion..... ::)  Never thought I'd be considering BF past 12 months when I started this but have to say it is appealing!!

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Re: Weaning to sippy?
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2012, 11:26:50 am »
There are heaps of us here that are BFing past 12 months- and in a way it does get easier after 12 months. They are no longer relying on it for the bulk of their nutrition so i find it much easier to think of it as a bonus. Basically hamish is a boob man- but if i'm not there he doesn't get a replacement (other than enough water in the day) and he doesn't miss it or ask for it. Often in the mornings he'll sleep late and i need to just get him up and into the car- and as i'm not wearing a nursing bra, or clothes suitable i can't really be bothered with it once i'm dressed. He's fine with that- we just get to my mum's and he's into the day. As i said- we only have the 2 feeds in the day- but you could probably even cut it to one (in that you can cut it to one). I know it seems distant now (I assume you're on 3 feeds?) but a lot happens in 2 months, she will be much more ready for it! 

I actually thought too that i was glad that i wasn't weaning at 12 months as i too went back to work then- and i think i would have been even more anxious and upset going back if i was weaning too. If you ARE keen to not continue too long- perhaps you could have your weaning goal a month or so AFTER you return to work? It will be a nice thing in the transition period for you both to still be breastfeeding. You might find it easier to wean then once you are back to work and it's harder to fit it in. It might happen a little more naturally with things coming up and your lifestyle getting less routine...

Also- i don;t know how you feel about going back to work- but i was DREADING it.. really really not looking forward to it- but once i got back to it i realised that i actually did much better at work!! So hugs on the return to work- but i'm sure you'll really enjoy it.

Katy, Mummy to Hamish!

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Re: Weaning to sippy?
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2012, 19:47:24 pm »
Hugs Katherine. Katy has given some great advice.

Are you hoping to use EBM in the sippy once you wean (if you do) or something else? I'm just wondering if you would have time to pump if you don't have the schedule to feed regularly since pumping is harder than BFing if not done at the same time each day, especially at this age.

If you plan on using something else such as cows milk or formula then you may want to start offering that soon in case she takes a while to take to it.

Once she is about 12mo she can get the calcium and fat she needs from solids so you may also wish to offer a solid snack like cheese, yoghurt or cereals instead of the BF, especially if she isn't keen on drinking milk from a sippy. Then you could just stick with water in the sippy for hydration since you know she likes that.

Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

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Re: Weaning to sippy?
« Reply #5 on: November 08, 2012, 20:13:45 pm »
Thanks lovely ladies :)  Great advice! 

Am planning to give her cow's milk eventually, though she's already used to it on her cereal and in cooking.  Was just trying with EBM to start with in the hopes that a familiar taste would make things a bit easier, though judging by her reaction today she was NOT impressed!! She loves cheese and yoghurt so thanks for the tips about snacks.  We'll get there in the end!

Thank you again :-*

Offline amayzie

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Re: Weaning to sippy?
« Reply #6 on: November 08, 2012, 20:17:15 pm »
Yeah- she'll get there with the sippy- whatever you decide works with the BFing in your family.
Katy, Mummy to Hamish!