We have just completed day 3 of implementing EASY and PU/PD. Here is our EASY
E 6:45 am wake up/BF
A 7 am play with Daddy
E 8 am Solids
A 8:30 am play
S 9:30 am nap, 1.5 hrs
E 11 am wake up/BF
A 11:15 am play
E Noon solids
A 12:30 pm play
S 2:30 pm nap, 1 hr
E 3:30 pm, wake up/BF
A 3:45 pm play
E 5 pm solids
S 6 pm bedtime routine starts, put in crib by 6:45 pm
My concern at this point is nap time and if I am doing things the right way. DD stands in her crib for 60+ minutes before she even tries to fall asleep. I thought she might need a longer A before the nap, but she is yawning, tugging at her ears, rubbing her eyes and is clearly tired. For our pre-sleep routine I take her to her room, change her diaper, read a couple books, BF until she is drowsy (about 5 min). If I kept BF, she would be asleep in 2 minutes. I lay in her in the crib, and she puts her head down right away. After about 20 seconds, she pops up, and is up for a good hour. This AM, she cried when I left the room, but was mostly content when I was in the room, so I couldn't do PD. I tried to model laying down, and patted the mattress. Ever so often she would fuss (once every 5-10min) and I would PD, and she would lay on her tummy for a minute, but then back up. Finally, after 1.5 hrs, she started fussing and I was able to PDs (10 or so), and she was asleep within 10 minutes. I had to wake her after 2 minutes to keep to the schedule. This afternoon, although exhausted, she never settled long enough to fall asleep for all 1.5 hrs, so we skipped the PM nap. Again, she cried when I left the room, but was mostly fine when I was in there with her. Yesterday was the same story, but both nights at BT she went to sleep within 5 minutes with no PDs. Any thoughts?? Is this normal? Of note, she seems to be teething right now, so maybe that has something to do with it?
If this is just part of the process, then I can be patient. Our nights have improved from 10+ awakenings (with BF back to sleep) to 4 awakenings (hand on the back and asleep within 2 minutes). I want this to work!
Thanks in advance for your help!