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Offline cecelia_at_home

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Need encouragement and hand holding
« on: November 04, 2012, 08:17:50 am »
DS has issues with eating solids. He's 17 mo and bearly eats anything. He had surgery when he was a couple of weeks old. He saw a speech path last week who said that it's not a physiological problem but a sensory issue. He was having 4-5 9oz bottles a day and on her advicewe've cut it down to 2 5oz bottles (first thing and midday) and 9 oz bottle before bed.
He is eating a bit more but is in such a foul mood most of the time. I've been offering yogurt porridge biscuits pretzels crackers chips anything at had really all day long for him to munch on. He only nibbles at things so I'm not sure if I restricted food to meals and snack times if it would help him eat more.
We've been trying for a week and while he is eating a bit more he's not improving as quick as I was hoping. I'm holding strong, but it's hard when he's so upset and refusing food and asking for a bottle. I feel like a bad mum for not getting this sorted earlier and on the other hand I feel horrible for starving him. I just want my sunny happy chappy back.
Has anyone else been through this? I know we need to keep trying and I don't want to go back, but DH is back to work this week (he works away from home so is gone tues-fri). And I'm not sure I can do this alone.

Offline Shiv52

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Re: Need encouragement and hand holding
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2012, 08:44:19 am »
The fact he is eating a bit more at all is AMAZING. I've known kids to hold out for weeks
Before they start eating. If it were me I would aim for 3 meals and 2 snacks. I wouldn't get yourself into
The habit of scuttling round trying to find
Something he'll eat. I'd provide healthy meals made up of a few things, pretty much what you and your DH eat and go with it. Eat wuth him. Chat abouteverything other than the food. If he's eat that's great but if not that's also ok. I wouldnt mention it either way. It's very early days and he will get there.

Hugs xx

Offline cecelia_at_home

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Re: Need encouragement and hand holding
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2012, 08:19:43 am »
Two steps forward one step back. J ate loads of Cheerios and drank a bit of water and some juice. Then about 5:30ish when I was trying to get dinner ready he had a total melt down tantrum. On the upside he nibbled some broccoli at dinner.
I'm wondering if I gave him a 3 oz bottle at 4ish if that would help avoid melt down or if it would make things worse and confuse him. What do you think? DH is back to work tomorrow do I'll be on my own. I'm not sure how well I'll be able to handle it.

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Re: Need encouragement and hand holding
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2012, 18:45:52 pm »

How are things going now?

Olly was a fussy eating after about a year old. We found that just keeping things VERY relaxed, making it fun, offering a choice helped.

I believe the main thing that helped Olly to try new things was eating the same foods as a family. Hard for us with his allergies but for example I would put a big bowl of food in the middle of the table and serve EVRYONE from that. Then Olly would see us eating it and it really made him more interested in it.

I have heard that you should offer some foods you know he likes at every meal and then something new on the side - just to get him used to it. Also could you try a picnic style lunch or dinner? Or leave bowls of food around for him to play with and eat when he is ready?

Also I made a mental note of what he would eat and try to serve those foods in different ways. ie potato can be served roasted, chipped, mashed etc.

I am not sure on the bottles TBH. Olly was EBF and we had dropped all BM by that point - he was on oat milk from a cup by 14 months. I do that some some babies with MPI for example stay on formula for a long time to get their nutrients.

Maybe tell us what foods he does and doesn't like and also how he likes them served - ie does hi like finger foods - does he like purees and we could come up with some suggestions.


Offline Shiv52

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Re: Need encouragement and hand holding
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2012, 20:17:57 pm »
I'm sorry.   I totally thought i'd replied to this. 

I wouldn't offer a bottle.  HOw about a small snack at that time instead...raisins or bread sticks or something liek that?

How have you been getting on?