Author Topic: 16 wk old DS - on 32/35ozs and STILL wakes twice in night  (Read 787 times)

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16 wk old DS - on 32/35ozs and STILL wakes twice in night
« on: January 09, 2013, 08:40:53 am »
I don't know if this is for the bottle feeding forum or sleep but my question is...
Surely by my DS's age of 4 months and him consuming 32 to 35 oz formula, he should not be waking me between 1 - 2am and then 5 - 6 am? still 2 night feeds. 
Books I read, people I talk to, websites I read all seem to point to a 4 month old (7 kgs now!) sleeping through at least the 2am feed.   
He has slept through from 7pm - 4am only 2 nights in the last week. 
Sometimes I tank him up in the evening for his last feed with that extra 5ozs (over and above his 32oz that he should really only have) yet he still wakes at 2ish.
Is this habitual waking or real hunger?  I try to push him through it by putting his dummy in. He goes to sleep for 10 mins then wakes again and gets niggly.
Should I be putting him onto a teaspoon of rice cereal to get him to sleep in the night more appropriately for his age?

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Re: 16 wk old DS - on 32/35ozs and STILL wakes twice in night
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2013, 11:41:42 am »
Rice cereal is unlikely to help him sleep longer at night - it contains very few calories and is hard for little tummies to digest.  If he is settling with the paci and then waking again 10 mins later, that sounds very much like hunger (discomfort would be the other possibility).  How many bottles does he have during the day and how much do you offer in each bottle?  Does he drain the bottle?  If so, add another oz - there should always be a little left in the bottle when he has finished feeding. 

Do you want to post his routine to see if there is anything there that could be causing him to wake?