This is a weird one. Over the last few weeks we've had increasing NW's. There's lots going on that could be contributing to it, but I have a hunch I want to run past you guys.
Lets start with the basics - she's on 1 nap, and that's been a recent change in the last month. But the first week she was on 1 nap she slept through the night every night. Then the NWs started. She's also recently started at the childminders full time - she has been going there for a few days a week since September and is well settled, naps well and is happy all day.
Routine is WU between 6.30 and 7, nap now fixed at 12.30 til 2.30 (don't let her sleep past 3) and bedtime between 7 and 7.30.
The NWs are anytime between 1.30 to 4.30/5. She wakes up fully, seems mad, frustrated more than upset, and WILL NOT go back to sleep whatever we do. We have tried meds, a drink, staying in with her, leaving her, etc etc etc. Mostly we give up and have her in with us, which doesn't necessarily get her back to sleep any quicker, it just means we can get her back to sleep while staying warm and lying down - it can still take half an hour for her to settle. More recently we got the feeling she wanted a bottle (we dropped night feeds at about 8/9 months) and have tested the theory, and it consistently works, and we also now know that she doesn't care if its milk or water. And she doesn't drink much, she wants it to suck on and will fall asleep with it clamped in her mouth.
She had a dummy up until about 6 months when we weaned her off it - fairly easily. So I was wondering if there was any known regression for wanting to suck? Or could it be teeth? OR a problem with her ears?
Would you just let her have a bottle of water in her cot overnight? I bought a dummy today to see if she'd take to that, but no joy so far....
any thoughts? anything we could be missing?