My son is just over 3 months. His naps are getting worse by the day. He was doing 40-45 minute naps regularly. I have a toddler as well, so sleep training is not easy to do. The other day I let him cry after his 40 minute nap, hoping he'd go back to sleep. I'd pop in when he started to really cry, and eventually he did fall back asleep but not for long. That afternoon he had a 2 hour nap. The next morning he had a great nap again, and the following day he had a good afternoon nap. But ever since then his naps have been getting worse. Yesterday he only had two 40 minute naps, and today was just as bad. He sleeps fine at night, I feed him 1-2 times a night and he has one habitual night waking two hours after his first night feeding, but I can't really complain.
But his naps are driving me crazy. I've tried resettling him by doing pu/pd and shh/pat after the 40 minute mark, but I have a toddler who can't be trusted alone. I know people say that it takes time, and to get help, but I can't give my toddler up for a week to get my son sleep trained! How do others do it? I've read all the links on this board to do with naps, including the sleep interview with Tracy. I'm still at a loss. His A times are 1.5 hours, but shorter after a 40 minute nap, and after that it just gets all messed up. He's not at all miserable during the day, but does need to be held, bounced, and paid attention to a lot when he's not napping.