Hi, I just thought I'd let you know that my LO always slept through from 10pm DF to around 6am WU and I could never understand why she wouldn't drink much at WU. I used to pump the other side (and use it for DF) as there was no way she was interested in both sides. Even now that she is on formula, I only make a small bottle for WU as she doesn't drink that much. So even after 8hrs she wasn't hungry; so I wouldn't see it as that unusual that your LO isn't very hungry after 5 hrs. It must just be the way some babies are!
I'm sorry, I can't give advice on dropping the 3am feed as my LO just did that on her own very early (we were very lucky) but I'm sure others will tell you it's normal to have NF at this age. Have you tried giving him the paci at 3am? We also used a paci and that was my way of telling if LO was truly hungry overnight - if the paci didn't settle her I would feed her. Oh, and she was able to use the paci independently from 5.5 months so hang in there, your LO might be able to do that soon! Before that we also had to go in a few times each night to re-insert and she would go straight back to sleep.