My DD is 6m old and has been weaning for 3 weeks. Over the last week or so she has become harder and harder to bottle feed (we've kept to 1 bottle a day since 4 weeks old, as I only plan to BF till 9m). She now completely refuses her bottle, and I'm feeling really stressed about it, as I was going to start winding down BFing next month (swapping in 1 bottle of formula a feed at a time over a couple of months)
I don't know if weaning has affected her as she seems to have forgotten how to suck, although she BFs fine, and we use the Breastflow bottle which has worked for her since birth (needs the same action as BFing to get the milk out)
We are currenly away in New Zealand, so maybe that is affecting her - but then we've been here 2 1/2 weeks and she was still bottle feeding fine at first. It is affecting me though as I'm more tempted to give up trying for the rest of the time (another 2 1/2 weeks) - but then I'll be worried that it'll be even harder to get her back on a bottle....
She also still feeds 1x night - but she has never DF though as this was affecting her sleep cycle and she woke more often when I tried it. Again I was planning to night wean her after holiday by giving her top up bottles after her last evening feed, so thought of having to night feed for longer is stressing me too!
Has anyone else been through this? Even if you don't have any solutions I really need a bit of moral support please!