Hi there,
My baby is 3 1/2 months and has been doing the 30-45 minute cat naps 4x a day, for the past few weeks.
I have tried everything...longer wake time, shorter wake time, cooler bedroom, warmer bedroom, white noise, and i even go in at the 30 min mark to stir her for a bit and hold her arms and legs down from the jolts, but she still wakes up crying 15 minutes later. I then pick her up and rock her to sleep but as soon as i put her down she wails!!! it's a constant cycle.
But sometimes she is happy and cooing in crib after 45 min nap. I give her 10-15 min to try to soothe herself back, but then she just starts to wail and won't stop. this goes on for another hour!!!
So what do i do? If she wakes up cooing after 45min, do i pick her up and let her play for a bit, then try to put her to bed??? Or do I leave her in the crib??
This is very stressful!!!!!