Ugh, ugh, ugh! SO annoyed that I have to post about Ethan, AGAIN. This child WILL.NOT.SLEEP.
My fault, of course.

When we started really struggling with DD's reflux about a year ago, we ended up letting DS come and sleep in our bed when he woke up. Often he would wake up when she was screaming and I would end up taking him to our bed And going back and dealing with DD. DH works away so I am on my own most of the time. So summer comes along and DD's reflux is doing better and she is sleeping well. He was sleeping in our bed half the night but it wasn't bothering me as I was finally getting some sleep!

By September, I was annoyed with being kicked all night long and wanted my bed back. As soon as I started the transition back to his bed, DD reflux started back up with and I gave up with Ethan. Now he sleeps terribly, she sleeps terribly and I'm grumpy. So help me get him back to his bed!
Ethan has never slept well, never slept through the night and always wakes up early. Right now he is scared of everything which makes it hard to convince him he can stay in his room. He is quite particular about things and is definitely a creature of habit. He also seems to need human contact. He doesn't just sleep in our bed, he sleeps pressed against us or often on top of us. We move over, he moves over. Since birth, he has wanted to be touching us.
I have tried reasoning with him about it. He has a night light, he is right across the hall from us. He is scared of the dark, scared of the light, scared of the noise his blankets make, there's a bug attacking him, you name it, he's bothered by it. He gets so worked up about it that he can't breathe he's crying so hard. I've tired sleeping on his floor. He crawls in with me. Occasionally he won't go near his room for the while day because of something he saw the night before that scared him. I am 100% convinced that his fears are very real to him and he's not making it up to avoid going to sleep in his room. He is genuinely terrified.
So how do I help him? It seems crazy to make him stay in his room when he is so fearful. Bt it has been a year of our bed and I sort of assumed he would just start sleeping longer and longer in his own bed but it seems to have had the opposite effect.
He doesn't nap and usually wakes up 5:30ish and is sleeping by 6pm. I would love to have him waking up a touch later and not going to bed until 7pm but more importantly, I just want him to sleep!
I don't know what to do but after 3.5yrs, I am ready for longer then 2 hrs of sleep in a row!