(((hugs))). My son was the same. I'm sorry to tell you, that between the ages of 11 months and 23 months I had so many threads on this board, pages and pages long, trying to get him to sleep later than 5.30am. It happened a few times, but never consistently, and he always went back to his 5.30am waking, no matter what time I put him to bed, or how long or what time his naps were. It did change, dramatically, when he was about two years old and we got a Groclock so he could see when it is morning and when it is night. After a couple of weeks with it, he was getting more sleep than he had EVER got overnight. We still use it now and he is 5 years old and has never really EWed since. Now I think your son is still too young for a Groclock to work - they have to have a certain amount of impulse control - but I'm telling you this in the hope that you will see there may be light at the end of this very dark tunnel. I do feel your pain, I am NOT a morning person and for me there is a world of difference between even 6.45am and 7am, and I was NEVER ready to accept when people told me that Stan was just a lark and there was nothing I could do about it.