Author Topic: Stuck at 10h30m sleep at night?  (Read 1822 times)

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Re: Stuck at 10h30m sleep at night?
« Reply #15 on: January 15, 2013, 23:19:00 pm »
Some LOs have a really strong body clock and will wake at around a certain time regardless of BT or routine. We call them larks and I'm afraid to say I fear you may have one.

The nights he got a longer sleep he still woke at roughly the same time (about 6.10/6.15) so it seems to have been because he got an earlier BT.

Can you confirm that he is putting himself to sleep independently for nights and naps? What time is his nap? I'm wondering if it is too late? Have you tried setting nap time at say 12 and BT at 7 for example? Do you think he would sleep in better if you stopped the EW BF and then going back to sleep?

Have you tried wake to sleep?

What are you doing when he wakes at 6ish if he still seems tired? Are you trying to resettle him or just getting him up?

With my DS2 I have a rule that if he wakes before 6.30 I just repeat my sleepy phrase until 7 as long as he is calling me or crying. If he wakes after 6.30 then I just BF him and start the day. He very rarely makes it to 7 but I think I am helping to teach him that if I tell him it is still sleepy time he needs to go back to sleep. Occasionally he wakes at 6 and I only have to tell him once and after a few mins of protest he will lie down and at least doze but mostly go back to sleep, sometimes for another hour. I'm happy with 6.45 these days.
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Re: Stuck at 10h30m sleep at night?
« Reply #16 on: January 15, 2013, 23:30:43 pm »
(((hugs))). My son was the same. I'm sorry to tell you, that between the ages of 11 months and 23 months I had so many threads on this board, pages and pages long, trying to get him to sleep later than 5.30am. It happened a few times, but never consistently, and he always went back to his 5.30am waking, no matter what time I put him to bed, or how long or what time his naps were. It did change, dramatically, when he was about two years old and we got a Groclock so he could see when it is morning and when it is night. After a couple of weeks with it, he was getting more sleep than he had EVER got overnight. We still use it now and he is 5 years old and has never really EWed since. Now I think your son is still too young for a Groclock to work - they have to have a certain amount of impulse control - but I'm telling you this in the hope that you will see there may be light at the end of this very dark tunnel. I do feel your pain, I am NOT a morning person and for me there is a world of difference between even 6.45am and 7am, and I was NEVER ready to accept when people told me that Stan was just a lark and there was nothing I could do about it.