We are headed out on a 10 day vacation with my two boys. DS2 is 21 months, and a fiercely independent sleeper. He will not be APOP in any way anymore. At home, this is fine, but our last hotel stay was completely disastrous. We put him down for bed at 640, and he didn't fall asleep for the night until a little after 11. We left the next day.
So, we are completely insane to try it again, but life must go on (right?!.....). So, what do you ladies do when you have to share a room with your kids (this is obviously not our first choice, a suite would be work best, but it's not an option at our location). Also, tips for naps when sharing a room with 3yr old (who doesn't nap) and a 21 month old? My DH will not be with us during the day so taking the 3 year old out will not be an option.
I obviously plan to stick to the same routine, keep white noise and have the room as dark as possible, but I guess I'm specifically looking for ways to help divide the room so that he can't see us. Do any of you use curtains hung from the ceiling (how in the world do you do it?)? My DH thought of putting a tent up in the room, but that seems completely ridiculous, but we are desperate and totally anxious. I've googled and it looks like the UK has many portable black out curtains with suction cups (that is frickin GENIUS!), but I've searched high and low here in the Us and can't find anything comparable. ANy other room sharing tips are completely appreciated. I literally was awake in the middle of the night for 1.5hrs stressing about this.