I am beginning to be quite desperate and absolutely exhausted, so I am very much hoping that somebody here has some ideas what I should do differently.
DD is 8 months old, she sleeps (well, should sleep) in her own cot in her own room. She used to be fine sleeping in the cot at night up until approximately six months and mostly would even go to sleep by herself and then sleep from 7 until 5:30 and after a short feed continue sleeping for another hour in our bed. At six months, DD learned crawling, very shortly after that, sitting and about a month ago she started pulling herself up. Since then, as soon as I put her on her back into her cot, she rolls over and starts crawling, no matter whether she is readily tired or overtired. She keeps crawling around and pulling herself up in the cot, and eventually she gets so tired that she will cry but even then she will persist rolling from the back onto belly and keeps crawling and crying at the same time. She never sleeps on her belly and never just lies relaxed on the belly either. The crawling and crying happens when I put her down for naps during the day and also for bedtime and in the middle of the night. And this has been going on for the past two months. At the moment, she wakes up approximately every 2 hours at night, so sth like 4-5 wakeups in total.
The way I get her to sleep for naps and bedtime is either by nursing DD (but am trying to eliminate this), lying her on her side and often letting her suck my finger (not using a dummy) which I then pull out when she is very close to asleep, usually she will open her eyes shortly and then keep sleeping, or if she gets very upset I pick her up, rock her and put her down when asleep. The way it is during the day is alright for me. However, DD wakes up some time between 10 and 1 at night, starts screaming, and I try the above mentioned strategies but usually as soon as I want to go back to bed, even if DD was asleep, she wakes up again and screams. In the end I am mostly so tired and exhausted that I take her out of the cot and nurse her on a spare mattress that's lying in DD's room - usually we both fall asleep there and stay there for the rest of the night but both of us keep waking up every couple of hours and easiest (bad habit, I know) seems to be to nurse her. The times I get her to continue sleeping in the cot, it takes something between 15 minutes (nursing and putting back, but doesn't always work) and 2 hours and then DD often wakes after about an hour.
Our routine is:
Nighttime sleep ca. 10 - 11 hours (minus awake time for resettling)
Naps: usually 3 adding up to ca. 2.5 to 3 hours
Wake up at 6.05, can stay so early because often that's the only time DD can see her dad as he often can't be home before she's in bed
E 6:45 solids
S 8:45 - 9:30/10:00
E 10:30 solids and breastfeed
S 12:30/12:45 (depending on when DD got up from first nap) - 1:15/2:00
E 2:30 solids and breastfeed
S 4:30/4:45 - 5/5:15
E 5:30 solids
A going for a long walk
E 6:45 breastfeed
BT 7:00 / 7:30
Our naptime routine is changing nappy and listening to musical rabbit, putting on sleeping bag, closing blinds, telling DD where I will be and what I will do while she sleeps, sleepy kiss, cot.
Our bedtime routine is walk with DD in carrier (30 - 45 min), then change nappy and listening to musical frog, putting on sleeping bag, and while feeding reading a book, singing three lullabies in same order, burping, night kiss, cot.
I tried introducing different loveys but DD doesn't really take to it, rather sees it as fun toy to play with and gets all excited.
Can anyone help me understand what and how I should improve what I am doing? Please?
Should I try to get her down to two naps a day? 13 hours between wake up and bedtime seem like a very long time?
Should I eliminate the evening walk and give her crawling time instead? DD is not very much into sitting on my lap and quietly reading a book or listening to music.
How do I get her to fall asleep in the cot without nursing/finger sucking/rocking?? Whenever I try, she starts screaming and crying and won't listen to any singing, humming, shushing, talking, just gets entirely upset.
I am very very desperate and really want to help DD (and me) to get better sleep without having her cry too much - it is so heartbreaking to hear and see how tired she is but just can't sleep. I am really hoping somebody can help!?