Just wanted to say I couldn't start the routine before 8 weeks, I've been doing it for 5 weeks now and baby is falling nicely into routine, except for a growth spurt where she just wants to feed pretty much day and night. I still rock my DD to sleep, she is very good at rubbing her eyes when tired so I know when to pick her up, swaddle and rock. She used to take 20 mins to rock to sleep, but now is asleep by 10mins, although she does fight it!!! I'm always working on adjusting the routine slightly to suit her, I noticed when she wakes for a feed in the am between 6-7, I then give her first A time of the day , but it's always short as she yawns a lot and isn't too interested, so from eyes open to eyes closed can sometimes be 40 mins. At 4 months I will be starting the PU/PD method. Sssht/pat wasn't working and eating into her sleep time trying, I felt it was more important for her to sleep even if it meant sleeping on me for an hour and a half. She does wake but I'll get up rock her and luckily we have an extractor fan in the kitchen which settles her to sleep again but I found turning on the hair dryer for a couple of seconds works too to get her back to sleep.
It's hard work but it pays off and it certainly gives you more time to yourself and structure to your day.
Good luck!