Author Topic: Swaddling question  (Read 766 times)

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Offline confusedmummy

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Swaddling question
« on: January 26, 2013, 23:08:46 pm »

DD is now 18 wks old and is swaddle with a Woombie every nap and at night. She hasn't started rolling as such yet, and once asleep actually sleeps quite well (sometimes we get a few 45 min naps). However my issue is that getting her to sleep and into her swaddle results in hysterical crying/screaming that can last for more than 10mins. She hates going to sleep and I think she hates being zipped up. So should I try to wean the swaddle now and possibly go through pain of sleepless nights or taking longer to get to sleep. Or is there something I could do to help relax her and not hate going to bed. Or do I have to just accept that she will cry and just comfort her like I do (although not much works to be honest).

She does have reflux and I know some occasions are related to that but I also know that not all are. She is perfectly happy downstairs but the second I walk into bedroom she starts and it gets worse when I swaddle.

Sorry for the long winded post, would just love some advice. I never swaddled with my DS so never had to go through this.


Offline jessmum46

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Re: Swaddling question
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2013, 12:34:22 pm »
Just bumping up for you - I never swaddled so don't have any tips I'm afraid :(

Offline Ima shel Alon

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Re: Swaddling question
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2013, 12:53:52 pm »
Do you think it's the swaddle she gets hysterical about or the fact she knows she is going to sleep? If you wouldn't swaddle would there still be a lot of crying?
Are you giving her something for the Reflux?

If you wanted to you can post your day in an EASY format and we can have a look if there is something there that can cause her to be so upset going to sleep, like OT or UT. I have only seen my DS upset going to sleep when he was either OT or UT, that's why I am thinking it might be routine related.
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