Oh wow - I had no idea you'd been through so much of course you wanted to keep your precious LO safe with you - never regret that for an instant.
This^^^ More (((hugs))) hon, you are not a failure in any way. Parenting is so, so tough and even tougher when you're sleep deprived. I'm so glad you have a great DH!
It's totally fine to feed her two times at night if she wakes now. Sure, she may not technically need it, but you need to do what you feel ready to do and if night training isn't it right now, then don't worry.
I do agree with Katherine in that what you're experiencing could definitely be some regression. It typically happens around days 5-7, give or take. She could need a routine adjustment too. I think I remember you trying for around 2.5hr A before, but if she's 7mo, she might need more like 3hr.
You're doing a great job. Stick with it and we'll do our best to help you get more sleep for the two of you.