We had finally gotten on track once my son moved to 1 nap a day at 14 months. More recently he was sleeping 2hrs in the afternoon and 12hrs at night very consistently. This all changed about 2 weeks ago. He started to cut his 2-yr molars and we went on a little trip to my parent's house for two nights. We got to my parent's house a little late so he had a late bedtime. He adamantly refused the pack-n-play so I cuddled with him on the floor of the walk-in closet and we made that his bed. He wouldn't go to bed without us there with him, but we figured it was a new place so that was okay. We came home and have never gotten back on track. He has only gone to sleep before 8:15 one night in the last two weeks. He wakes between 6:30 and 6:45
His schedule was:
E 7AM Breastmilk
E 8AM Breakfast
E 11AM Lunch
S 11:45 or12 PM
A Between 1:30 to 2:30PM (we would wake him up by 2:30 if he wasn't already awake)
E Breastmilk
E 5PM (Dinner)
E 5:45 Breastmilk
S 6:30 or 7 PM
Now we are something like this:
A 6:30 or 6:45
E 7AM Breast Milk
E 8AM Breakfast
E 11AM Lunch
S 12 or 12:15 PM (he will go down without a problem)
A 2PM (I was waking him later, but that seemed to make him stay up even later at night, so now I'm limiting him to a 1hr 45min nap)
E Breast Milk
E 5PM (Dinner)
E 5:45 Breast Milk and routine
S 7 PM which turns into 8:45 PM most nights
At night he is chipper and talking and won't settle and relax at all. He will sometimes yawn or rub his eyes and at other times doesn't seem tired at all. We have tried leaving right after the routine and he just stands at the end of his crib yelling for us. When we go in and tell him to lie down, he just won't. He just continues to call, "Mama!, Mama!" We have tried staying with him and he just talks and plays in the crib. If I cuddle with him, he might settle for 5min or so, but then will be up and restless. Sometimes teething medicine will help and other times it seems to do nothing.
Any suggestions?