I'm trying to extend my daughter's naps to 1.5 to 2 hours during the day. She goes to sleep easily and on her own, but will NOT go back to sleep during the day if she wakes early from a nap. I am not rushing in, have tried shush/pat, back rubs, and pu/pd. None work because she thinks she is ready to get up. My ideal schedule for her would be this:
7- wake and eat
9 or 9:30 nap until 11
11- wake and eat
1 or 1:30 nap until 3
3- eat
5 or 5:30 cat nap
7 bedtime routine (asleep by
THis is how it has been going:
5:30 or 6 wake
6:30 eat
8:30 nap (45 min to an hour)
2:30 nap (almost 2 hours or this is split into 2 naps 45 min each)
5 or 5:30 catnap (she HATES waking from this one)
7 bedtime routine
Basically she is taking either 4 short naps or three naps where only 1 is long enough. I know she is tired because I have to wake her from her last nap and she hates it every time. I really want her to sleep a little later and take better naps but I'm not sure how to do this. Any advice? Or am I just hoping for too much?