Generally I would advise not to intervene until he actually needs you as if you offer help when LO doesn't need it, that's when you risk becoming a prop. If he's crawling around but quiet or happy or just fussing just leave him to it - my LO often spends a few minutes chatting to and rearranging her teddies before going off to sleep. Is he pulling to stand yet? If not then once he is crying for you properly, you go in, pick up briefly to reassure and then lay him down, repeat as needed until he settles. If he is pulling to stand you only do the put down part - no picking up. At ten months he should be developmentally capable of replugging the paci himself so i would scatter several in his cot and work hard on teaching him to do it himself during the daytime. So guide his hand to it, and then guide his hand to his mouth to show him how, but don't do the work for him.
There is a big difference between waiting until he really needs you to intervene, and CIO. CIO refers to essentially ignoring a baby's 'I need you' cries and leaving them alone to figure it out themselves. We don't support that in any way for the reasons you describe. Yes there will definitely be crying if you wait until LO really needs you, but the difference is that the crying is not fear of abandonment, it is frustration that they can't sleep or are having to learn to sleep in a different way. The key is that you are right there helping them through it. Does that make sense?
All that said, if you feel that extra reassurance or cuddles are needed at times (e.g. Those every 5 minute wakings you describe - here that is normally down to discomfort) then that is totally fine to give