thanks Anna - it's nice to know we're not the only ones who have SA trouble at BT at this age. I had hoped we were past this though...
when you say you came back to him every 2 mins for kisses, what was he like between times? did he get upset when you left again? how did you deal with that? How long did the phase last for you?
last week I was trying the being firm approach - ie telling her softly but firmly that it was BT and she couldn't keep calling me back, but that seemed to just wind her up more. TOday and yesterday though I've not said that, have just quickly given her what she wanted (a babywipe at the moment
) and left which seems to have worked better - she's not got so upset at any rate, although I've still been going in and out almost constantly for about 15-20 mins. However, (as last night) she seems ok now and is chatting/singing by herself again. It's like she is needing to check that I will go back to her and once she has checked this enough times (many many times!) then she is OK.
Recently she has been saying quite often that she misses me/is sad when I go to work
She also says sometimes that her toys are sad because their mummy and daddy have to go to work
She really doesn't see a lot of me on the days I work (Mon-Thurs) so I don't think that helps