Author Topic: Who would they ask about tongue tie?  (Read 1217 times)

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Who would they ask about tongue tie?
« on: February 10, 2013, 14:20:00 pm »
My brother had his first baby last week and she's having trouble feeding.  I just asked him if they've checked for tongue tie and he said they've taken her to the clinic but they didn't mention it.  I know that it can be easily missed though.  Who can I recommend they go see to get her checked out to see if it is tongue tie?

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Re: Who would they ask about tongue tie?
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2013, 18:15:30 pm »
MW or HV should be able to check, although not all are good at recognising what they're seeing/feeling (a visible check sometimes isn't enough).  Infant feeding coordinator/hospital BF clinic ought also to be able to check, or a local BF support group.

If none of these are sure, an IBCLC would be able to check for sure.

Whereabouts in the country are they?
*** Amanda ***

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Re: Who would they ask about tongue tie?
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2013, 19:33:20 pm »
They're in Herts as well.  I told him to google it and read up on it and if they think that's what might be going on to ask doctor/HV.  Something seems to be amiss. 

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Re: Who would they ask about tongue tie?
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2013, 19:39:37 pm »
Both of mine were tongue tied, and between them they were seen by a GP, several midwives and a health visitor and none of them believed that there was a problem despite me in agony, their blood sugar being low due to not getting any milk, and my nipples being a weird shape after feeding!  So I would definitely recommend a breastfeeding specialist even if another health professional says there is no tongue tie. 
Claire x

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Re: Who would they ask about tongue tie?
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2013, 19:45:53 pm »
Thanks guys.  I'l send them the link to this page so they can see what others have said.  None of mine had tongue tie so I don't have any btdt experience of it.

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Re: Who would they ask about tongue tie?
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2013, 21:10:29 pm »
So I would definitely recommend a breastfeeding specialist even if another health professional says there is no tongue tie.

^^^ This.

I'm sure my DS had a degree of TT, especially once he divided it a bit with his fingernail :o
I asked my GP about it at his 6w check and she said there was nothing "significant", but by then his weight gain had slowed and he started getting poorly and had some reflux, which could easily have been connected to the TT rather than an acid issue.
Posterior ties often can't be seen and are overlooked (sounds like what happened with Claire) and that's what DD had.  Took my friend (who is a BF counsellor) a few weeks to work out what was going on after we'd tried optimising latch, biological nurturing, exaggerated latch etc

So yes, all that to say to get someone who really knows what they're doing to check and if they still think it's an issue, get a second opinion.
*** Amanda ***

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Re: Who would they ask about tongue tie?
« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2013, 21:28:43 pm »
Thanks Amanda.  He sent me a text saying apparently she is a little tongue tied so someone might of picked up on it already. 

Thanks again for the help  :-*

Offline Fiver

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Re: Who would they ask about tongue tie?
« Reply #7 on: February 10, 2013, 21:30:46 pm »
Worth noting that what might look like "a little bit" could have a bigger impact.  Any evaluation of a TT and what to do about it should be done on the impact it's having, not on what it looks like.  Hope they get things sorted :-*
*** Amanda ***

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Re: Who would they ask about tongue tie?
« Reply #8 on: February 10, 2013, 21:52:55 pm »
Worth noting that what might look like "a little bit" could have a bigger impact.  Any evaluation of a TT and what to do about it should be done on the impact it's having, not on what it looks like.  Hope they get things sorted :-*

That's so true...Masyn is tongue-tied but it has never affected her, she didn't even know about it until they were trying something in class with attempting to curl their tongues back and touch the roof of her mouth and she was upset at being the only one who couldn't! BF was fine, her speech has always been great so we never worried about it.