Hi my lo is bf and has 6/7oz of ff at df(although she does tend to wake up at this so not much of a df!)
She's been on easy since about 3weeks and this is now going well, she generally has 1hr30 A time each cycle before nap. She goes down at about 8pm and wakes at 7am with just "df" at 10.30 in between.
Unfortunately this week she has started not completing feeds.. I think because she is so distracted (has found her arm this week). She'll feed on one, get distracted by 4/5mins, burp her and then she scream when i try to put her back on. swap sides and will take about 1min before screaming. Or she'll feed on 1st side, do a poop whilst burping her, change her and then she refuses to go back on. But by nap time she screams and won't sleep as is hungry, so I've been feeding her,,, so starting to turn into EAESY. This was only happening one feed a day to start so I didn't really mind but she seems to not finishing feeds regularly & I really don't want to start feeding to sleep as we've worked really hard to get easy to work!
I'm hoping this may be a phase? Would appreciate any tips to help us complete a feed!
Thank you, this forum has been so useful as I blag my way as a ftm!
Update: just tried to feed lo, she took about 4mins on one side then screaming (she usually empties one side about 10mins, and then 3/4mins on other). And refused either side at many attempts.
I expressed this side to practically empty. Tried offering bth sides again (scream response), offered bottle which she gulped down, offered both again and screaming.
Pease help as I've really battled with bf (struggle to latch, tongue tie, lots of thrush) and was beginning to almost enjoy it. I reloy don't want to go back to exclusively pumping and also don't want her to just have lots of snacks throughout the day... Don't know what to do!!