Hi, my LO up until about 3 days ago was on a really good routine nursing 4 times a day and twice overnight and we were doing a four hour EASY with two naps. We just recently dropped the cat naps. A typical day was like this
8 am bf
9am solids ( usually 6 tbsp half oatmeal and half fruit)
10am nap usually 1.5 or 2 hrs
12 pm bf
1pm solids ( usually 6tbsp half veg and half fruit)
230 ish nap usually 1.5 hours but sometime 45-50 mins
4pm bf
530 solids (2-3 tbsp barley and 2-3tbsp of veg)
Bath 630
7pm nurse to sleep
Two night feeds random times but was starting to get more consistently recently at 1230ish and then 430 or 5 then up between 7 and 8 am
Well, the last three nights have been so messed up, he has decided to eat around 930 pm then around 1 then 230 or so then at 5 then usually up for the day. I was thinking it might be a growth spurt or because he is getting his other top tooth or because he has had a cold recently ... And it could be any or a combination of these factors but my concern is that his increased night wakings are because he might not be getting enough during the day in terms of breast milk. I think he would probably nurse before his afternoon nap and I am ok with adding another feed if that is what he needs I am just not sure how it would impact my EASY schedule. My doubt about what I am doing spawned out of a conversation I just had withmy MIL in which she said that I should just give up nursing and put him on the bottle or give him more cereal right before bed to help him sleep.
Just to be clear I am totally fine with getting up twice and am planning on continuing to bf (i nursed my first for 12 months) but I was wondering if there is something that could be tweaked on my EASY or if it is most likely a growth spurt or something and it will pass. Any advice would be great:)
Thank you