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Offline scruffymax

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Re: 2-1 denial!
« Reply #30 on: February 05, 2013, 08:46:04 am »
Luckily LO slept straight from 6pm-6:15am.  Still only about 13hrs sleep for a 24hr period which isn't terrible but is low for her.  She was grumpy all day too.  Sigh.  Looks like her 6th tooth (4th up the top) has just popped through so hopefully that helps, although I've always found her to be worst in the week or so just after a tooth has cut through rather than before, and she's 53 weeks and there's a wonder week 55 so I'm sure the grumpiness will continue...  Oh well, probably a good thing to have her OT from 2-1 transition when she's already grumpy rather than prolong the grumpiness by spreading it out!!

She napped 12-2pm so a reasonable nap but given that she still seems pretty OT I've put her to bed at 6:30pm.  Really, all things considered she's doing really well so far.  3 or 4 nights of difficult BTs and 2 NWs of about 1.5 hrs over the last week.  I've got work tomorrow and her NWs always seem to be before one of my work days though so we'll probably have a difficult night!!

Offline jessmum46

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Re: 2-1 denial!
« Reply #31 on: February 05, 2013, 10:07:16 am »
Lets hope not!

Offline scruffymax

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Re: 2-1 denial!
« Reply #32 on: February 05, 2013, 22:23:10 pm »
Slept through 6:30pm-6:15am but so grumpy! Poor MIL has her today.

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Re: 2-1 denial!
« Reply #33 on: February 09, 2013, 02:20:08 am »
Well, a week and a half in, we are "technically" doing well ie LO is sleeping through 11+ hrs most nights and at least 1.5hr for naps most days, but she's really grumpy and tired.  I'm seriously considering trying to go back to 2 naps. WDYT???  I'm sure she's teething too.  I wonder if what originally started this (BT refusal, NW) was teething related and not necessarily needing to drop to 1 nap?  We haven't had BT refusal for a week and the last NW was nearly a week ago.  Her 4th top tooth is either just through or about to cut through (hard to tell) and there are lots of other lumps and bumps in her gums.  I just wish they came with a manual...

We had a pretty busy morning, grocery shopping and then swimming.  She just totally cracked it when we were walking back to the car after swimming, and cried all the way home, really upset.  I managed to get some lunch in her but she wouldn't have a bottle but practically fell asleep on the change table before I put her to bed at 11:30am.  I think she woke just before 6:30am today, after a 1hr40+ nap yesterday and 7pm BT.  I just hate to see her unhappy and I think I'm causing it :-(

Offline jessmum46

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Re: 2-1 denial!
« Reply #34 on: February 09, 2013, 12:17:31 pm »
Generally anything under 2h nap is considered OT when first on one nap.  What time is WU, nap and BT at the moment?  You may need to bring nap or BT a bit earlier, or possibly both.  For us, we had short naps at the start of the transition but 12.5-13h nights were pretty common.  Teething can push them over the edge when first on one nap too - we had that with all four molars coming in and we had to go back to two naps for a while. 

Offline scruffymax

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Re: 2-1 denial!
« Reply #35 on: February 09, 2013, 20:14:33 pm »
That was the first nap under 2hr she had done for me, but for family she had done only 40min one day and 1hr15 one day.  WU is usually between 6&6:30, usually happy to stay in the cot until close to 7am so I think of that as resting time.  BT is usually 7pm, but I've made it 6:30 some nights just because she seems tired, and 6pm on the 40min nap day.  Nap has usually been midday but was earlier on the 40min nap day and 11:30am yesterday (she slept just over 2hrs).

It's a confusing time, but my mummy gut instinct is telling me to try 2 naps again.  I really hate chopping and changing as she's a child who responds beautifully to really strict consistency - every time we just go with the flow we end up with a cranky girl.  It's been a bit over a week now on one nap but 2 of those days were with family (short naps) and one day was on a road trip with daddy (a 40min morning nap and about 1hr15 afternoon nap in the car).  I feel like if she was really ready for it she would be happier by now.

Thankyou Katherine for your input and advice - I appreciate it!

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Re: 2-1 denial!
« Reply #36 on: February 10, 2013, 18:51:01 pm »
Have you thought about doing a short capped am nap and a longer pm nap?  It can be a good bridge if one nap is just a step too far at the moment.

Something like:

WU 6-6.30
Nap 9.30-10
Nap 1/1.30 uncapped (or up to 2h)
BT 7pm

Offline scruffymax

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Re: 2-1 denial!
« Reply #37 on: March 06, 2013, 23:51:59 pm »
I just thought I would post to update, just in case anyone else is reading (as I often do with other people's posts even if I don't comment on them!) - we have been doing really well on short am, long pm nap.  We've settled into 9:30am for 45 mins, and 1:30pm uncapped (rarely does more than 1hr30), sticking with 7pm BT and she usually wakes somewhere around 6:30am.  I don't know if it's the fact that the wonder week is well and truly over, her 6th tooth has actually come through (was almost thru for weeks then finally came through last week), or the fact that the naps are back to set times, but she is happier again.  We are having odd NWs some nights which I think are from her molars so I'm giving her nurofen before bed.  So for now I'm enjoying the calm before the next storm... and thanks again for your help Katherine!

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Re: 2-1 denial!
« Reply #38 on: March 07, 2013, 13:33:01 pm »
Yay great update!