Hi there,
Just wanted to let you know that PUPD is typically recommended only for babies 4mo and older and often as a last resort. It is much more stimulating than shh/pat, so it seems if she gets wound up with shh/pat, PUPD would seem to make that worse.
There are often babies who don't care for shh/pat (either the shh or the pat bothers them), so moms will tweak it for their individual child. You can stroke the forehead, rub her shoulder or hip, lay a hand across her body from one hip to the other shoulder and tap the shoulder, etc. Try some different things to help her settle. Does she go to sleep on her own at the beginning of sleep times? How do you help her settle then?
Also, when you are extending a nap with shh/pat or PUPD, we suggest only trying to do it for 20-30min. You will be able to tell if it's working after this amount of time. There is no reason to spend over an hour trying to extend a nap, when her A time isn't much longer than that anyway. It's exhausting for both of you and yes, you do not want to be in the house every day trying to make her do longer naps.
Short naps are unfortunately often very developmental and start happening right around this time. I would say though, if you are having such a hard time getting her back to sleep when she initially wakes, she likely needs a bit more A time. Try adding on 5-10min for a few days and see if that helps.