I have a 13 week old. She's taken very well on EASY but we have one small issue that I don't know how to approach and was hoping someone here could help me sort it out!
I shifted her to a 315 EASY and then 330 one week ago because she showed no interest during her feeds. Our typical day is as follows:
E: 7am
S: 845
E: 1030
S: 1215
E: 200
S: 345
E: 530
E: 7 and sleeps immediately after she's done
She wakes once at night, usually between 2 and 3 (she was waking at 130 consistently but I've been doing w2s and she now wakes between 2 and 3). I breastfeed her all day except for the df when I give her formula. She takes between 5-7 ozs at the df.
I don't mind her waking up once at night. She eats and then goes back to sleep. However, she barely eats at her 10:30am feed (5-10 minutes at my breast and today I replaced the breast with a bottle of expressed milk and she took less than 2 ozs). She then goes to 2pm without eating anything else. I must add that she's definitely getting enough through the day...she's almost 90th percentile in weight (was born 25th and has gone up to 90th this week). I still worry when she's not eating enough in one of her feeds.
Should I be thinking of feeding her every 4 hours during the day so she takes a good feed in her mornings? She's definitely not ready yet for 4 hour EASY as she can't stay 2 hours awake but I wonder how can I increase her calories during the day so she drops her night feed if she doesn't really need it?
Any thoughts would be really appreciated!