DS is 13.5 months and I recently got him down to 5 BF a day. Sounds like a lot to some, but he has always eaten quite often and I am proud of our progress! He just starting being able to make it to his WU time of 5:30/6 A without needing to be fed during the night at about 12/12.5 months.
This month I would like to start TTC for #2. With that amount of nursing, should I just wait as I will likely not be able to conceive?
I started charting my last cycle on Fertility Friend and it believes I ovulated which is a good sign (but pretty late on CD30) and showed my luteal phase at 11 which should be okay too.
My temps are kinda low so I worry about progesterone and really don't want to go on supplements.
I started a B-complex vitamin but it's giving me headaches and I think reducing my milk supply, so I think I am going to stop. My hope was to ovulate earlier and possibly make my cycles shorter (currently 40-41 days) to have more chances to try and conceive a winter/early spring baby.
I am sorta ready to be done nursing but DS just seems to love it so much. Not sure if I can take it away till he is ready which I guess might mean #2 will be a ways away if nursing is interfering with my fertility at this point. I guess that just means he is not ready to share me...but I am not getting any younger!