Author Topic: TTC while BF...success stories and advice please!  (Read 1087 times)

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TTC while BF...success stories and advice please!
« on: March 07, 2013, 18:09:16 pm »
DS is 13.5 months and I recently got him down to 5 BF a day. Sounds like a lot to some, but he has always eaten quite often and I am proud of our progress! He just starting being able to make it to his WU time of 5:30/6 A without needing to be fed during the night at about 12/12.5 months.

This month I would like to start TTC for #2. With that amount of nursing, should I just wait as I will likely not be able to conceive?

I started charting my last cycle on Fertility Friend and it believes I ovulated which is a good sign (but pretty late on CD30) and showed my luteal phase at 11 which should be okay too.

My temps are kinda low so I worry about progesterone and really don't want to go on supplements.

I started a B-complex vitamin but it's giving me headaches and I think reducing my milk supply, so I think I am going to stop. My hope was to ovulate earlier and possibly make my cycles shorter (currently 40-41 days) to have more chances to try and conceive a winter/early spring baby.

I am sorta ready to be done nursing but DS just seems to love it so much. Not sure if I can take it away till he is ready which I guess might mean #2 will be a ways away if nursing is interfering with my fertility at this point. I guess that just means he is not ready to share me...but I am not getting any younger!

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Re: TTC while BF...success stories and advice please!
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2013, 18:17:27 pm »
There's a thread all about this - TTC while BFing thread -  it's been a bit quiet for a while, but I'm sure there are people who have been on there that would get notified if you posted, otherwise I'm sure there is some good information from a BTDT perspective too.

And I'm sure other people will post here as well :)
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Re: TTC while BF...success stories and advice please!
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2013, 18:28:34 pm »
I didn't get my periods back with either of my girls til after I stopped bf altogether-just seems to be how my body works. With dd1 I stopped bf at 11m, got pregnant 4 weeks later on first AF. With dd2 I stopped bf at 14mo and got AF 2 weeks later. Not saying you can't get pg whilst bf cos obviously it's possible but for me AF only returned once I'd stopped BF. good luck and baby dust! X
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Re: TTC while BF...success stories and advice please!
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2013, 22:16:45 pm »
Jump over to the support thread Amanda posted. There are many of us over there who successfully conceived while BFing.

I was BFing DS1 4 times a day plus one NF when I fell pg with DS2. There were at least 3 ladies who did similar around the same time on that thread if you read back. It is definitely worth trying and if you are Oving then there is no reason why you shouldn't be able to get pg.

Wrt weaning, your supply may well drop when you do get pg and then he may be less interested anyway.
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011