My DD has been a great feeder from the beginning. She ate on schedule and essentially taught herself (and me) how to breastfeed. Recently however, she has shown very peculiar behavior while nursing. She will latch fine, suckle a few minutes, then arch her back like she's trying to get away from the breast. I coax her into continuing to eat, and she relatches/arches a few more times then begins to scream and cry. I tried spacing out my feedings but am getting the same behavior. I tried switching breasts when she does that, worried it may be a flow issue, but she does the same behavior on the other breast. Milk continues to flow as I see it in her mouth and coming out of my breast. I do not understand her behavior at all and it is so frustrating. She acts like this for almost all nursing sessions during the day but she takes to a bottle without any problems. She still has plenty of soiled diapers so I believe she's getting enough to eat, but the behavior concerns me. Any ideas what this behavior is all about???
P.S. She does have acid reflux and is on medication 2x/day.