I am looking for some advice on implementing a nap routine with my little girl (5m) and increasing the length of her naps. At the moment she is having tiny snippets of sleep through the day and by the evening is beside herself with exhaustion.
Our routine is something like this at the moment:
E 7am
A 7:30 - 8:15 then into the pram for school run
S 9:15 (45 min falling asleep on the way home)
E 10:30
A 10:45 - 11:30 then back into pram for school run
S 12:15 (45 min falling asleep on the way home)
E 2:15 ish
S short nap at some point in the afternoon.
E 5 (small feed)
E 5:50
S 6
E 10 (DF)
E 3
As you can see by her 13 hours in bed at night, she really needs a lot of sleep. She used to have 2.5 hr in the morning and 2 x 45 minutes in the afternoon, but now she barely has 45 minutes at nap times and today for example she only slept in 10 minute snatches.
Most of her naps are in the pram, but she has the same pattern when she naps in the bed.
Could you suggest a routine that might help her get more rest and do you have any tips on extending the naps. I could spend time on it in the morning with her, but it is near impossible spending a lot of time resettling after I have picked my elder daughter up from school.
Thank you in advance!
Liv x