Author Topic: Critique Our EASY Routine! (6 Month Old)  (Read 1080 times)

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Offline adeyoung

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Critique Our EASY Routine! (6 Month Old)
« on: March 10, 2013, 15:26:48 pm »
My daughter, Charlotte is six months old as of February 28.  She is exclusively formula fed and just began solids in earnest this past week.  So far, things are going pretty well.  Our EASY routine is deviating quite a bit from the ones in the book, and that's the first time we've gone "off plan."  I just wanted someone to look at our daily routine and tell me if you see any problems likely to pop up.

7:30 = Wake up, change diaper, and try to eat.  We make an 8 ounce bottle; she has up to 2 ounces before she gets antsy and wants to play.  We usually end up doing the bottle at about 8:30 AM after she has played for a while.
8:00 = Playtime!
9:15 = Eat a puree in the high chair, then get cleaned up, a new diaper, and get dressed for the day.  More playtime until nap (I try to gear this toward quieter activities, like looking at books.)
10:00 - noon = Nap

Noon = Wake up and eat 8 ounces (she usually eats this bottle pretty happily), then a diaper change
12:30 = Playtime!
2:30 = Another bottle (between 2-4 ounces; this is a new thing, but she's hungry for more at this time so we go along with it) and then sometimes eat a puree in the high chair, get cleaned up, and diaper change.  More playtime until the nap.
3:15 - 4:30 = Nap

4:30 = Wake up and eat 6 ounces, then a diaper change
4:50 = Playtime!
6:00 = Eat a puree if we didn't eat one around 2:30 (solids 3x per day are too much for her right now, but we'll work up to it)
6:45 = Last bottle of the day; she will usually eat 10-12 ounces at this time!  Then bath on bath nights, and change into overnight diaper and PJs
7:30 = Bedtime

How does this look?  People with older babies, can you see any problems that are going to arise given this new schedule?  Do those solid feeding times look right?  I'm not doing solids at the times suggested in the BW books, but this seems to work for us right now.  (Evening solids were making her unhappy overnight.)

Right now, she's not really ingesting very much solid food (mostly gurgling it and then spitting it out) so I'm not planning to drop a bottle anytime soon.  When she eats more, the first bottle to go will be that "extra" bottle she eats around 2:30, and then I'll probably drop the 4:30 post-nap bottle after that.  Does that sound like a good plan?
« Last Edit: March 10, 2013, 15:28:25 pm by adeyoung »

Offline *Ali*

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Re: Critique Our EASY Routine! (6 Month Old)
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2013, 21:05:15 pm »
Looks like she is doing fabulous to me. I assume she is sleeping through the night since you didn't mention any NWs...?

I'm sure as her solids intake increases she will be able to replace that 2.30 bottle with a solid lunch no problem.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2013, 21:37:36 pm by *Ali* »
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

Offline adeyoung

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Re: Critique Our EASY Routine! (6 Month Old)
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2013, 21:30:16 pm »
I forgot to write the DF, which we still do.

If she wakes at night, she puts herself back to sleep.  I don't go into the nursery unless I know there is a problem - generally only when she is sick, had just had shots, or is having a growth spurt.

We are struggling a bit with 2-3 days per week early wakings.  I refuse to get her up unless she is REALLY crying, so she'll make noise from about 6:30-7:00 AM and then go back to sleep until I get her at 7:30.  I am trying to pin down a pattern.

Offline *Ali*

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Re: Critique Our EASY Routine! (6 Month Old)
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2013, 21:41:39 pm »
Even waking at 6.30am is still an 11hr night which is still a perfectly acceptable length if night so I don't see that as a problematic EW. It is common for LOs to wake in the early hours and chat to themselves before going back to sleep. As long as she isn't crying and is just fussing or mantra crying then it is fine to just leave her to it.

A DF is fine at this age too. Maybe when she is more established in solids you can look at weaning that.

Sounds like you are right on track for now though :)
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011