My daughter is eight weeks old now. We have had some napping issues so far, but we seem to be working them out. She is doing this odd thing in the evenings. She goes to bed between 7 and 8. Then she sleeps for 45 minutes or so and wakes up. I shh/pat her back to sleep. The she wakes up around 10 before I would dream feed. I feed her then, since it would take me until her normal dream feed time to get her back to sleep. Then she takes until 11 or 11:30 to go back to sleep. Then she eats again at 3:30 and 6:30. Is this normal? The books make it sound like she should go to sleep at 7, dream feed at 11, and stay asleep the whole time, until the baby needs a night feed in the early am. Did anyone else have something like this happen?