I've searched over the info on here about dropping a dream feed, but nothing seemed that good unless it was a bottle fed dream feed. Anyway, I would just like some more/other ideas of what worked for other bf babes.
My lil monkey is 8months in couple of days, weighing in at 20lbs and very happy!
He nurses in the am then eats breakfast, nurses around 11 then eats lunch, then nurses in the afternoon and then has supper. He often has a lil snack before supper too! Then he has a 6oz bottle before bed and a dreamfeed between 10-11. I think it's time to drop the dreamfeed! He's eating a lot of solids and even likes feeding himself Cheerios and a few other finger foods.
I feel like just totally skipping the dream feed to see if he can make it, but I dunno! Or some suggest cutting back the amount of time i nuses but I hate the idea of going in there disrupting his sleep only to give him a min nurse and expect him to go back to sleep.
Anyway, what worked for you guys!