Author Topic: Teething, sick or just bad habit?  (Read 7235 times)

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Offline lidiayy

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Teething, sick or just bad habit?
« on: March 23, 2013, 18:21:59 pm »
Hey ladies.

It's been a long time since I haven't post.
It's been a week that DD2 is coughing and (the doctor said) teething and she hasn't eaten dinner since this coughing started.
She stays at daycare center during the day and the caregivers reported that she was eating fine, but she just refuses to eat at home.
She used to be a champ in terms of eating. When I started on solids with her I mixed spoon feeding with momments that she could eat whatever she wanted (healthy food - like BLW).  I was always said that she just never refuses food, any type.
I had her checked this morning because I thought that she could be with sore throat and thus, refusing to eat solids.
She accepts her milk, she eats fruits, but doesn't want to eat nothing different from that (at home, because at daycare, she does eat!).
It's been 10 days since we started on this daycare, but she's been going to daycare since she was 7mo, so it's not like she is feeling left behind from her mommy?
I have no clue on what's going on.
The doctor said that her canines are coming, I guess they are the last one because she already has the molars.
Any thoughts?



Offline amayzie

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Re: Teething, sick or just bad habit?
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2013, 11:40:03 am »
Hi Hon- Generally with toddlers you need to look at what they are eating across the day- and sometimes i even consider it across a few days. The rate of growing slows down DRAMATICALLY after they turn one- so they just don't need as much energy to get by! Is she getting enough to eat at day care? She may be preferring to have a large meal at the start or middle of the day- and the snacks may be sustaining her. My guy is often like this- fussy at dinner. I think too something like teething and tiredness means that they are just plain grumpy at the end of the day and aren't up for a meal!

So- as long as her weight's still ok i'd not panic too much about the dinner eating if she's getting enough through the day.
Katy, Mummy to Hamish!